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Beyond Technology and The Vital System of Ideas

Beyond Technology - We live with technology, not by technology.


Innovative Technology is dependent on Science, and Science is dependent on Culture, and Culture is dependent on The Vital System of Ideas Culture lives by. To maintain that system of ideas requires living at the height of our times. Culture today can neither support or sustain itself by technology alone.

Any culture that thinks it can live with just technology and dollars, is in the same position as a culture that wants to benefit from civilization without contributing to it – doomed. The cracks have begun to show and the reason is clear.


The world is technologically advanced but culturally undeveloped because we do not live at the height of our times, anywhere.  This has led to a devastating incoherence. When that incoherence is felt by enough people the result is a cultural crisis. A global cultural crisis. And that is the position we're in today.


We're in an unparalled situation requiring original solutions and a dedication to reality.


The number one conflict in the world today is not within the family, or between races, genders, religions, ideologies, economies, cultures, globalism, or nationalism.  Important and as real as these conflicts are they're not the most important.


The most important conflict in the world today is the conflict between the complexity of our problems and the capacity of our minds.


That's why the number one problem in the world today is Learning.  It's also the number one solution.


So, what do we need to learn? The Vital System of Ideas that Culture today lives by.


But, before we get into that, a brief word on Culture itself.  


Buenos Aires, Argentina. 


       +54 9 221 678 9920


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