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Updated: Nov 27, 2024

Opening Remarks

Bit Of Background


Part IV that

Cultural Impoverishment

The University

The Elite’s Real Agenda

Collapsing Narrative Network

Closing Remarks

The Elite’s Real Agenda

Note: Let’s put our title in question form and then offer an answer so we can turn this part of our entry into a Q & A. I have, by the way, played fair and written these questions down as they came to me. And they came to me easily because they are the kinds of questions I’ve been asked over the years in general and the last two years in particular. Questions from family and friends in Argentina, PRC partners, students, acquaintances, etc. But I don't wish to imply that the Q & A came to me in the way presented here. It's undergone lots of editing and rephrasing. Anyway, you get the idea. Also, I've said it before but I'll say it again, because it's worth repeating. There will be no attempt to be exhaustive.

Q: What is the elite’s real agenda?

A: Full Spectrum Dominance. By the way, the elite's agenda has also been called The Woke Agenda, or simply Cancel Culture.

It's even been called The Great American Empire. But whatever it's called the overall objective is Full Spectrum Dominance.

And let me say now that not only will it fail, it's already failing.

Q: Why will it fail?

A: In the entry Beyond Technology there is a passage that says:

The hostile elite is hostile exactly because the whole purpose and meaning of its existence is the destruction and enslavement of others for the sake of plunder and power for itself. So it is incapable of recognizing that gap between our problems and our minds in general, and our problems and their minds in particular.

And because they have complete institutional power and cultural control, and because they are making demands on the people in the geographical areas they control and want those demands obeyed, or else, when things go wrong, as they inevitably do when those in power always think they're right, they simply blame the very people under their control, a people who they openly hate (and those they don't hate they're simply using).

Scapegoating is official policy for the hostile elite in the West.

All of this is also why they want to abolish the 1st and 2nd Amendments in the US, to make you more obedient and less free.

To drive home just how perverse and corrupt they are intellectually, socially and morally, their principle of justification is reduced to a slogan (of course): Saving Our Democracy!

In other words, the only way to save democracy is by abolishing the Constitution so that they can be free. And what do they do with their freedom? Well, they weaponize the political system so that they can then demonize dissent, pathologize opposition and impoverish the culture by abolishing freedom once and for all.

And all in the name of Saving Our Democracy! They're insane.

The result is a devastating incoherence. An incoherence made worse by their response to it. Projection, Denial, Blame-Victim, Play-Victim, etc. In short, yet more narcissistic abuse. The hostile elite is like a shaming parent and/or psycho-bully sibling who demands to be placed above criticism no matter what. A more ignoble and irresponsible use of power would be hard to imagine.

This is why dysfunctional and maladptive families and cultures are so scapegoat-dependent. Their scapegoat dependency is why they're dysfunctional and maladaptive. They literally cannot function without violating the very thing they're dependent on.

Hardly a model for healthy and functioning families and cultures.

But, and this is extremely important for understanding such families and cultures, scapegoating is not an effect, it's a cause.

Scapegoating is what they started with. Don't you get it? It's already in the culture, so its function in the family has been unconscious and automatic - until now. From this perspective you could say that today the hostile elite is reimagining scapegoating.

But this approach is so dysfuntional and maladaptive because its function in the culture is also still unconscious and automatic.

Dysfunction doesn't have to become maladaptation. Dysfunction can be arrested at any time before that happens, provided those in charge are operating out of the widest possible frame of reference, which the hostile elite is not. And now we're back to why the most important conflict in the world today is between the complexity of our problems and the capacity of our minds, and why the most important problem in the world today is Learning (the good news about that problem is that it's its own solution; the bad news is that learning is not a part of the elite's real agenda).

But, though they will fail and are failing, they're still powerful, and their power is dangerous exactly because they're so desperate and unhinged. As is any power center dependent on a scapegoat.

Q: As you might put it, what is there in the world that directs our attention to this dominance, or power?

A: Aside from their control of the foreign, domestic, and economic policies* of the United States, which includes three vital points of state defence, policy (top level) civil service (mid-level) and public opinion (at the base), their stranglehold on the EU, and their control of the dollar, another important thing would be, and in their own words, The Internet of All Things. Dataism.

* Invade The World, Invite The World, In Debt To The World.

Q: The Internet of All Things?

A: Yeah. TIOAT. That's where if they don't like you they can turn off your electricity and block your bank account in the name of Democracy. Worse, if they really, really don't like you, they can send you to what I call - The Siberia of the Internet.

Q: The Siberia of the Internet? What's that? Or, where's that?

A: Page two of any Google search.

Q: Why page two? Why not page three, four, or sixteen for that matter?

A: There's a page three?

Anyway, The Internet of All Things, or as I like to call it, The Internet of All Things We Want You to See, or simply Big Tech, is a creepy messianic mix of Moses and Marx. The last thing it is is democratic, for a reason. How could anything about the hostile elite be democratic? Demonic, maybe, but not democratic.

In fact, since communism is the deification of force wielded by the State, then what is happening in the West is more communist than anything else. Like the abolition of private property.* Or, You will own nothing and be happy (or else)! And, of course, there's a lot more else. But, well, that ought to do it for now.

Except to say that the their agenda is the agenda of The Last Man.

They want sleep without dreams, growth without suffering and life without love, which always includes both. Their idea of perfect health is absolute and automatic conformity to their interpretation of the world, which they call the ultimate truth.

For the hostile elite, et al. Truth = the opinion of the powerful.

No thanks!

This article from the great Paul Craig Roberts offers a nice summary of what we're talking about here.* *Notice the defensive response you get from Gulag, I mean Google, when you click the link. They don't want you to read it.

Q: What does that have to do with Critical Race Theory?

A: Critical Race Theory helps serve that agenda.

Q: How?

A: By attempting to subdue the white population, and as a source of social conflict, or, Divide and Conquer. But also, given the intellectual quality, or lack of it, in CRT, Corrupt and Conquer.

The way CRT does this is by functioning as one narrative among many that all serve a single overriding Explanatory System, which could be summarized as follows: Us Good/Them Bad.

And just as those many narratives serve the explanatory system, so too do the many petty tyrannies serve the Super Tyranny.

That the smaller narratives that support their Explanatory System are all falling apart is why we are living at a time that is truly unprecedented in human history. In fact, at PRC International we refer to it as The Age of Explanatory Collapse. For a reason.

It's what you'd expect with any tyranny, let alone a Super Tyranny imposed on an entire civilization that's as complex as this one is.

The relation between Super Tyranny and Explanatory Collapse is being played out right now between the Woke Agenda and what's been called The Coalition of the Fringes, or Identity Politics. The Woke Agenda and the Coalition don't really go together.

They undermine each other. Because the Coalition is held together, not just by corporate sponsorship and media propaganda, but, above all, by anti-white hatred. Anti-white hatred is the crazy glue holding the Fringes together. But now that the hostile elite have whites right where they want them, under the iron paw of a globalist Super Tyranny, the Coalition is turning on itself. Just as it did in the USSR. These people never learn. And now we're back to CRT. Because the last thing that's about is learning. CRT isn't just anti-white, it's anti-thought.

Which is why they lack the Critical Thinking skills to question their own assumptions and think historically. And this in the teeth of the fact that they're constantly criticizing the history of the West as if reality had flung its doors open to them and them alone and only they get it. When, the fact is, not only is Critical Theory itself anti-white and anti-thought, it's above all else, anti-reality.

The Lie of DIE

Proof of this can be seen in their dumbed down version of The French Revolution, which is what this whole Woke thing amounts to. It's not The French Revolution 2.0. It's The French Revolutions minus 2.0. But they're too ahistorical to see it.

Q: What do you mean?

A: The motto of the French Revolution was Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. But liberty and equality don't go together. So both cancel out fraternity. Or, as Goethe put it at the time, Legislators and revolutionaries who promise equality and liberty at the same time, are either psychopaths or mountebanks. Even by the 1790's it was obvious that the liberty of equality is antithetical to the liberty of fraternity, and that these two liberties can only be held together by violence. A violence that undermines the very social institutions that were supposed to benefit from those liberties.

Now they're doing it all over again in a dumbed down version of something already seen as a failure in 1790! How progressive. I'm referring to the Woke's diversity. equity and inclusion. Or, as I like to put it, diveristy-inclusion-equity, or, DIE, for short.*

*Like the French Revolution and all Revolutionary Utopias before it, the Woke Agenda has unleashed forces that its sentimentality did not anticipate and can not accept, admit to, or, ultmately, control.

The Woke Agenda is to Identity Politics what the Constitution used to be to the American people. It's worth pointing out, since it's very relevant to this entry, that The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and The Immigration Act of 1965 were not two Acts that were added to The US Constitution, they represent another Constitution, and were put there to replace the original, not to mention the people the original represented, which they have.

It took them 50 years to do it.* But they did it. That's why they're abolishing the original, especially the 1st and 2nd Amendments.

*Obviously, all of this goes back a lot further than that. But, for now, this timeline will serve.

It's why the United States of America isn't a country anymore. It's been reduced to a geographical area run by a hostile elite that dominates much of the public with intelligence-insulting hoaxes, that come complete with media-driven mock outrage and mob hysteria, all of which everyone's required to believe - or else.

Just as no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people, so too no one every lost power underestimating the intelligence of the American people. Or, as Mark Twain once said, It's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled. In any event, as it is now, they even have the gall to call patriots terrorists and terrorists patriots.

Welcome to The Inverted World of The Hostile Elite!

A world where the sick are healthy and the healthy are sick, where the lawless are deified and the lawful are demonized, and a world where the bullies are victims and the victims are bullies.

In short, a world that's not just dysfunctional, but maladaptive to both itself and the world is has to adapt itself to if it is to survive.

A world that is unsustainable, which is the only good thing about it. They don't call the hostile elite nation wreckers for nothing.

Q: What are some of the other narrtives?

A: Climate Change of course. But we should also mention Covid, George Floyd, the 2020 Election, and The Capitol on January 6th.

What do they all have in common, aside from the fact that they all miraculously happened in the same year? Well, that you're not allowed to question them. Just as you're not allowed to question The 911 Commission Report. But, like the 911 Commission Report, the most important thing they have in common is that they all begin the same way, with the words Once Upon A Time.

The other thing they have in common is that the hostile elite has used every one of them to change the country outside the bounds of democracy in the name of democracy! Sick, Crazy and Stupid.

Climate Change isn't about the Weather, the George Floyd riots were not about the Police, the Election wasn't about Democracy and Covid isn't about Healthcare. These narratives are being used to provide cover for the financial coup d'etat of the Banks while being used against We The People in an attempt to crush them.

From this perspective, CRT is one spoke in a big wheel that the hostile elite is now rolling over the United States of America.

By the way, and speaking of covid, do you know why the elite don't want us talking about natural immunity? Because it's free!

Note: Revolution is a means to an end. The end being Domination, as in Full Spectrum Dominance. In fact, for the hostile elite, Revolution is to Domination what Communism is to Zionism. The idea being for the dominant-force to corrupt Western governments at the top level, while the revolutionary-force erodes their foundations at the bottom level. Which is what happened to the West in the 20th century.

The only winners of WWII were Communism and Zionism. The losers? The West and Democracy.

Q: Can you give another example of Full Spectrum Dominance?

A: Sure. The Manufactured Hoax/Media Hysteria Two-Step.

Q: What's that?

A: The hostile elite have made non-elite whites their designated scapegoat and are crushing them with these hoaxes and the media hysteria that goes with them. This obtains throughout the West in general, but we'll focus on the USA, where the elite are really pulling all the stops. There's the Russian Hoax, The Insurrection Hoax and The Show Trial Hoax. That's where non-elite whites are hit with extravagant charges on ambiguous evidence, and then have their lives detroyed by questionable judicial proceedings.

James Fields, Michael Slager, Derek Chauvin, The Brunswik Three and now Kyle Rittenhouse. This will continue until all whites are a non-issue. Including the elite's useful idiots, who are so deluded they think they're invincible in places like The People's Republic of New Jersey. When what they're really doing is burying their children's future and in some cases their present.

The Gulag Archipelago is now The Garland Archipelago.

As we said in our entry on Democracy, you could see evidence of Anarcho-Tyranny, so important to Full Spectrum Dominance, on full display during the 2020 riots. Here's how that worked:

1. Media blasts false propaganda to incite violence.

2. Criminals are let loose to help start the riots.

3. Leftist non-profit groups are activated.

4. The State abdicates responsiblity to enforce order.

5. Self-Defense is criminalized and framed as murder.

Q: Why does the elite do this?

A: The purpose of doing this is to demoralize and pacify, two important aspects of all scapegoating. This brings us to what I call The Scapegoater's Dilemma. Scapegoating, like all addictions, is a progressive disease. As the scapegoater's disease progresses (and in the case of the hostile elite it's the only thing truly progressive about them) they long to kill the scapegoat. In fact, they create a situation where they pretty much have to.

They either have to kill them literaly, or kill them off figuratively.

But when they do they then have to go in search of another scapegoat, or already have one in place (usually a former ally).

The problem here is that the hostile elite's compulsive, out of control scapegoating has finally reached an intolerable limit.

They are now scapegoating enemies both foreign and domestic.

Obviously, scapegoaters create their own enemies in the very act of scapegoating, which again, is so deeply embedded in the culture that it functions unconsciously and automatically. This is why it's an addiction and why addiction is a progressive disease.

And now we're back to why the hostile elite will continue to fail.

Be that as it may, the point is this, anything that can be questioned should be questioned. And if not, a good reason should be given as to why not. But there's no good reason for not being allowed to question anything that's as obviously as questionable as the narratives we have mentioned. Not one of them could survive any real analysis. They'd all break under any kind of analytical stress. And the hostile elite knows this.

That's why the response of the hostile elite and their demonic narcissistic cult of followers, or DNC for short, has been to gaslight anyone who questions any of their narratives. They want everyone to believe they are defending Democracy. That's insane.

How do you defend Democracy by abolishing the Constitution?

Defending Hypocrisy, maybe. But not Democracy. Either they're crazy, or they're dishonest, or both. And, of course, they're both.

But mostly, they're extremely dangerous, as are all fanatics.

Because fanatics, like the corrupt, have no conscience. Just as the corrupt have no problem with stealing, fanatics have no problem with killing. Fanaticism is synonymous with Authoritarianism, and Authoritarianism is synonymous with Absolutism. And people who can not bear to face the fact that humans are imperfect, not perfect, and life is dynamic, not static, suffer from what they interpret as impotence, but is only imperfection.

But, because they don't question themselves, their response is to want to reach the ultimate with a single leap - a death leap, as Nietzsche called it. And that's why CRT is filled with absolutes like Us Good/Them Bad. Them = whites. Us = everyone else.

And, by the way, in the same way you don't defend democracy by abolishing the Constitution, how can you Shut the virus down as Biden has vowed to do, by opening the borders of your country?

It's so obvious that what's going on is a power grab and that they're pulling all of the stops. Everything else is propaganda.

Q: Why would they want to subdue the white population?

A: First, because the elite anticipates pushback, for a reaon. Who wouldn't want to pushback against something so sick, crazy and stupid? But also because, traditionally, whites are seen by the elite as the ones most likely to insist on pesky little obstacles to the elite’s agenda. Things like, oh, freedom and the rule of law.

And some whites, and not just whites, still value the U.S. Constitution. Can you imagine? And that stands in the way of the elite’s agenda. That means that the people who value those things have to be demonized and pathologized and harangued and nagged to no end. That's where The KKK comes in.

Q: The KKK?

A: Yeah. The Ku Klux Karens.

Q: What's that? Or who are they?

A: That's a mob of unhappy and angry middle-aged white women with a Born To Nag tatoo on their arm. Sadly, this hen mob also includes the young and dumb who model themselves after them.

Q: Why are they angry?

A: They're angry because they're unhappy and they're unhappy because they need to believe themselves to be right - always. But they're not right. They're just possessed by an incredible inability to admit when they're wrong and a corresponding addiction to mood-altering through self-righteousness.

Q: Wow! Sounds stupid and depressing.

A: Very. It's stupid because they actually confuse virtue with virtue-signalling, and depressing because of course it is!

Speaking of virtue-signalling, if Justice is a Virtue then virtue-signalling is a vice. A vice that if not stopped in its tracks and put in its place becomes a form of evil. In any event, it has never once occured to these angry hens to ask the question: What would you rather be, "right" or happy? So they're miserable.

Then again, how could you not be miserable when you've railroaded your own destiny so as to live out your life as a Useful Idiot for a hostile elite that doesn't give a fuck about you?

While we're on the subject, I grew up with one such who ended up becoming The Grand Kleagle of The Ku Klux Karens (South Jersey branch). She grew up with a mother who hated her father, hated her brother, hatred her husband and hated her son. The hatred of the first two, if justified, might have explained the third, but in no way justified the fourth. But since her daughter was her Golden Child and she never asked any questions, she followed her mother's lead and obeyed her order to scapegoat her mother's son (well, one of them). So she did. She scapegoated her brother. But she didn't stop there. She later went on to scapegoat her husband, though that didn't work out too well in the end.

Q: Wow! What happened to her?

A: Ah, well actually that story has a happy ending.

Q: Really? You mean she stopped scapegoating and changed?

A: No. She ended up losing her husband to someone younger and better looking who gave him a son, while she married (on the rebound) someone older and uglier who Thank God didn't, because what would she do wtih a boy? Well, we already know. She'd treat him like she treated her brother and first husband and now treats anyone else who doesn't vote like her or think like her.

Q: You mean she'd scapegoat them.

A: Yep. Like Sacred Cow mother, like Golden Child daughter.

Q: So where's the happy ending?

A: Her scapegoat brother eventually went No Contact with the whole family which of course included her.

Q: And that would be your recommendation to the host populations in the West being run and ruined by the hostile elite?

A: Yes, of course. And speaking of which...

It's important to keep in mind that when it comes to interpretation the hostile elite's point of view in terms of governance is fundamentally pre-constitutional. That's why, as we said in the Introduction to this series that what we are witnessing is a full return to the superstition of The Old Testament in its most barbaric form. Or, as Dr. Chaim Weizmann once put it, The old evil in a new and horrible guise. And barbaric is the right word.

Also, mass immigration is central to this. Anyway, in anticipation of objections the hostile elite demonizes the host population while aggresively fomenting conflict. CRT helps them do that.

Especially as that relates to explanatory behavior. Because the elite's way of explaining the world is very much at odds* with the development of explanation that can be seen in the last 500 years of Western Cultural Life. That's why there's no Explanation 101 in the curiculum. Just pseudo-intellectual monstrosities like CRT.

* See Part II Explanation vs Exemplification and Dogma vs Pragma.

Q: Are you against immigration?

A: How could I be? I’m an immigrant. I’ve lived in another country for over 20 years now. And, though I don’t want to get too off topic, since you brought it up, and since it is related to the elite’s agenda, now’s a good time to extend that answer a bit.

Immigration is good. The Welfare State is good. But nothing is good unconditionally. Not even love. Unconditional Love is one of those phrases made up by pop psychologists* to sell books because it gives off such a warm feeling. But, of course love is conditional. There are certain things you just can’t do if you want to be near people or have them near you. For example, scapegoating. If you want a healthy, loving and fully functioning family and culture you can't do it. Learning this is a huge part of life simply because it’s so easy to say and so hard to know in each particular case. That's why cultures that are technologically advanced are still intellectually, socially and morally unwise.

In any event, each culture has developed their own patterns of behavior and modes of explanation to manage this extremely complex state of affairs. We should try to understand as much about how all of this works as we can. Of course. In this sense Knowledge Is Power. But, if that's true, then it's obvious that Diversity Is Not Our Strength. It just makes the hostile elite more powerful. That's why they use their considerable power to repeat that lie over and over again, while abolishing freedom itself.

That we live in a multicultural world is not just something we have to acknowledge if we want to live in reality, it's a world very much worth celebrating. But, state-enforced multiculturalism that only benefits a self-absorbed, power hungry gangster elite, isn't.

The more the elite get away with the more hostile they become.

They are the cancer of the human race. Obviously! That they hurl that accusation at others is just an example of projection. Then again, all of their slanders are examples of projection. Of course!

*This little swipe at pop psychology doesn't include the important work done by Family Systems, or Nietzsche's brief, but beautiful, discussion of unconditional love in his book Untimely Meditations.

And now we’re back to immigration. Because, the idea of putting an extraordinarily diverse group of people together and forcing everyone to love each other unconditionally, well, almost everyone, except whites of course, is just insane. The family, the most basic bio-social unit since the Paleolithic Age, is in freefall.

If we couldn't get that right, how competent is our response going to be to something as abstract and complex as race? Especially at a time like now, when our hotile elite-driven teaching-learning institutions have replaced teaching and learning with top-down indoctrination, so that they can tell students What to think, instead of teaching them How to think (as if they even know).

Also, feeding into this insane optimism and delusional and destructive sentimentality is the notion that Man is Naturally Social. No he isn't. Man is naturally asocial. Obviously. All of the remedies to fix society have been based on the assumption that man is naturally social and they've all failed. But, looking at Man as naturally asocial explains anti-social behavior. The failure to learn the rules, as well as the failure to teach them, or even know what those rules are or should be in all cases. Which is something difficult to determine within any group, let alone many groups all together in one place interacting wtih each other on a daily basis.

Note: This clash between the myth of moral certainty (unconditional love) and the mystery of an uncertain world is what Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil is all about. As he himself said, By beyond good and evil, I didn't mean beyond good and bad. There are certain things you shouldn't do (like child abuse and scapegoating, as well as, in keeping with our entry, educational malpractice).

What all of Nietzsche's work makes pefectly obvious is that there's nothing more immoral than moral absolutes, and that, if moral intelligence is possible for human beings, it would be found in our ability to increase the realm of moral choice, not eliminate choice by enforcing absolutes in the name of the right to choose. And this, of course, is why he is the father of the modern age, and why the two sides of Dogma, the archaic Right and Left, are still both baffled and freightened by him. A fact that they try to conceal in a pathetic attempt to dismiss his work on moral grounds. An attempt, moreover, that only succeeds in revealing their intellectual pretension and explanatory incompetence.

To look past the difficulties involved by mouthing a cliche like Diversity Is Our Strength while attacking all objections with sneer and smear gaslighting in the name of Democrcacy, just goes to show how anti-intellectual and immoral the elite and their misled followers really are. Not to mention anti-democratic.

That's why the society they're creating is so dysfunctional and maladaptive. And it's this that should concern everyone.

In any event, this Marxian quantitative conflict brings about an incomprehensible (literally) qualitative conflict. Both producing problems that add on to the ones that already exist and before which the United States appears to be helpless, to even make sense out of, let alone solve. So, it just feeds into that pattern of simplification - reductionism - violence and helplessness that we mentioned in Part IV of this entry. But there’s more. A lot more.

The idea behind open borders functions like any other idea. Our ideas, or theories, always produce a quantity of data that the practitioners of that idea can't respond to, simply because there's too much data and not enough time. But, it also produces a quality of data that the practitioners can not respond to at all.

Because, in that case, the practitioners have, as yet, no way of responding. In other words, there is, as yet, no available explanation. The lack of an adequate explanation, one that accounts for a reasonable amount of data, to any situation as important as this, raises tensions and creates gaping holes that are filled with, well, things that usually make the problem worse.

But even absent this quantitive and qualitative aspect of the problem-solving process, they can hardly hope to solve any problem if they can’t properly identify it in the first place.

And they aren't going to be any good at problem-identification or problem-solving if they are being systematically indoctrinated in what to think, instead of being taught how to think. Obviously.

Of course, this will only get worse if, on top of everything else, those involved also ignore the consequences that inevitably result whenever we apply our ideas or theories to the real world. That's why self-criticism without anxiety is so important and so difficult.

Exactly because self-criticism without anxiety is what keeps power from operating in the realm of the absolute. It's the answer to absolute power corrupting absolutely. And, since this is an educational consultancy, the importanace and difficulty of self-criticism means it has to be learned, which means it has to be taught. But students aren't learning it because teachers aren't teaching it, because the teachers have never learned it. They're too busy indoctrinating students with what to think, not how to think. And now we're back to the subject of this entry, CRT.

But, to the problem of immigration, again, in itself of extraordinary complexity, is added the Welfare State, another complex matter we can hardly go into now. Except to say this.

Though immigration is good and the Welfare State is good, putting Mass Immigration and The Welfare State together is insane. Unless your intention is to destroy the country. And not a few committed social critics have suggested that this is, in fact, the elite's intention. These critics might be right. Sure looks like it. Not just from what they say, but from how the elite respond to them. Whenever citizens of what has been called the historic American nation complain about being replaced they're mocked by the hostile elite and smeared as White Supremacists even though some of them are black, Latino and American Indian.

Then again, the hostile elite are not exactly known for their commitment to reality, or honesty for that matter. But we are. So let’s cut through the bullshit and cut to the chase.

It’s about replacing the family with the government, parenting with governing, law with commandments, individual conscience with blind obedience, farming with Montasanto, the Western Canon with Wikipedia, Critical Thinking with Critical Theory, etc, and last but not least, replacing whites with non-whites. Proof is found in everything from advertising to our social institutions.

But, it's also about decracinating whites, emasculating men, infantilizing adults and abolishing freedom. It's about the control of human behavior - all of it. In short, Full Spectrum Dominance.

And, by the way, if diversity is such a strength, then why aren't they doing this in China or Israel? You know why. Because it's not a strength at all. It's a way to weaken, divide, and conquer, not just a country, but an entire civilization. Of course. Ironically, their gaslighting is proof of this. Since, if it wasn't true, then they wouldn't need to silence everyone. The undeniable and obvious fact is that the hostile elite are, as Bertold Brecht might have put it, electing a new people, while demonizing any and all dissent.

How democratic!

Anyway, to subdue an entire group of people you can’t just attack their history and culture, though that’s certainly a lot in itself. No.

You also have to attack them, their immutable characteristics. Just listen to what they’re saying in this Parts Unknown clip. Do you think they’re the only ones? They’re attacking things none of us can change, while placing all other groups above criticism. A position, by the way, that not even God occupies today, for a reason. In the West Identity Politics has replaced God and it tolerates no atheism and won't hesitate to crush all heretics.*

*The link is to a speech given by the revolting Mark Potok of The $PLC. Since, like The ADL, this group operates out of The Dark Triad, their basic technique is to smear any and all obstacles to their Machiavellian lust for power as racists, and then vow to crush them as he says @1:44. That they have been successful at this strawman tactic proves, not just how underhanded, sneaky, and hypocritical they are, in short, ignoble to the core, and therefore immoral, but that they are the real supremacists. Of course! It also proves that their accusations are, again, examples of projection.

All in the name of tolerance and inclusion. How progressive.

Q: It might be a bit off topic, or maybe not, but I have to ask in passing, why do Americans tolerate so much violent crime?

A: For the same reason Argentinians tolerate so much political corruption. Both cultures are so patholgically soft and weak they even take the side of any culture's worst enemy - criminals.

One big difference is in the US they actually call it - Progress!

From this perspective Argentinians are a lot more honest and, while we're at it, a lot more charming and endearing. Whereas there is nothing charming or endearing about the US anymore.

Q: Why do you think that is?

A: There's no single causal force, though some stick out more than others. But, well, let's put it this way. A better name for that country today would be The United States of Jonestown.

Ah! And another important difference is that the corruption here goes all the way back to Spain and from Spain to Italy and from Italy to Romulus and Remus and the founding of Rome. But the pathology in the US is, like the country itself, more recent and is attributable to psychotic progressives, incompetent conservatives and powerless independents. But I'd take political corruption in Argentina over the violent crime in the United States any day.

Q: Returning to our discussion, how would you respond to someone who might dismiss everything you've said so far as a Conspiracy Theory?

A: I'd turn the tables on them and accuse them of something far worse, which is, Reality Denial. Since the reality of theory-behavior (our response to theory) is to test the theory in question so that we can better live in reality by improving our predictive behavior. In short, I'd say, What are you so afraid of, that the result of testing the theory will undermine your belief-system?

Test the theory. If it's wrong I'll improve the theory. If it's right you have to admit you were wrong? Or is that really the problem?

Q: Could you test the theory for us now?

A: Sure. One way would be to look at the government. The US government ideologically and structurally is a federalism. Meaning it has three separate but equal branches of government based on the rule of law that follows a constitution. Right now that federalist construct is imploding before our eyes (a process underway since WWII). In short, it’s collapsing inward toward a monolithic, centralized unit. Culturally this means a movement from individual conscience to blind obedience to authority.

The principles that informed the Constitution haven’t simply weakened and eroded on their own. They’ve been attacked. Though, again, it’s been moving in this direction at least since WWII, it’s been put on the fast track and moving at breakneck speed since January of 2020, essentially creating a unified trust.

The best national model for understanding what is happening now in the United States is Israel. Since its inception Israel has sought to centralize regional power and command over all human and natural resources and place them under the iron paw of a single, unified Pan Israel theocratic authoritarianism. In short, Zionism. The tactics being used in the US are the same. Destabilization through Deception. It’s like a Neo-Bolshevism.

The operation in Afghanistan is yet another spoke in this wheel.

All of the spokes in the wheel that is crushing the United States are designed to humiliate and demoralize the American people and empower the elite. Climate Change isn’t about the weather, it's about policy-control. The George Floyd riots weren’t about police brutality, they were about acquiring real estate by crushing small businesses. Covid is not about healthcare it’s about imposing Covid passports, which will amount to total control if implemented. And Critical Race Theory isn’t about improving race relations, it’s about Divide and Conquer through race hate-motivated brainwashing. What all of these have in common is that they are being used against a people that the elite are at war with. And they are at war with them because they see them not only as a threat to their power, but as the very people who could expose them and their methods for acquiring that power. That’s why they are being spun into narratives and used as spokes in the wheel that the elite is rolling over their enemy so as to crush them once and for all. With the people out of the way there will no longer be an obstacle to their power or threat of exposure.

In any event, all of these personal attacks by the elite can be better understood by returning to something said earlier in this and other entries, that humans can not live without the sense of value and identity and that the two aren’t merely connected, but are actually two ways of talking about the same thing.

That’s why Identity Politics, created and weaponized by the elite, says in effect, Us Good/Them Bad. You are good if you belong to certain groups and you are bad if you don’t. Whites don’t. Therefore, they are bad. Hence, the cartoonlike logic of CRT.

That’s why they’re even going after the progressives with the whole White Fragility thing, to shame even those who are on their side. This is one aspect of Full Spectrum Dominance, to control, not just your enemy, but your useful idiots and paid proxies too (which is why they’re paid, and paid well).

But, above all, since Full Spectrum Dominance is about Power, it’s about making sure whites never have power again, anywhere, ever, even over their own lives, and most don’t. And the fact that they don’t makes the smear of White Supremacy so laughable.

The hostile elite is attacking the host population from every possible angle. If the host population objects, they’re demonized, pathologized, ostracized and attacked. If you doubt this, just look around. And remember what was said earlier, unlike the hostile elite, their useful idiots and paid proxies, I don’t expect you to automatically believe what I say. I encourage you to test it, which is easy. Just look and see, as Wittgenstein would say.

Q: Earlier in this entry you said that proof is what happens in the real world. So, what is your proof that this is happening?

A: The elite have said it themselves with slogans like Build Back Better and The Great Reset. Not to mention, as one can see in the above hyperlinks We Will Replace You. Also, Biden himself has said that his country’s #1 problem is White Supremacy. And by "problem" he means, as he and others often say, and not just about the phantom of White Supremacy, a threat to Democracy, which is hilarious given that Biden is so obviolusly a slave to his anti-democratic Left-wing base. These people are literally insane.

But, above all, he talked about The Great Replacement in 2015 as an absolute good and with that obnoxious and brazen effrontery so typical of a hostile elite operating out of The Dark Triad. Evil!

Speaking of evil, regarding his comment about White Supremacy being the #1 problem in the US, what's that if not some blood libel out of The Old Testament? It’s the most insanely twisted and irresponsible thing I’ve ever heard a President say. Especially when one considers the fact that he didn’t even bother to define it. Talk about dog whistling to the mob. The same mob that’s already shown what it’s more than willing and able to do during the mostly peaceful riots that tore through the USA in 2020.

But, it says alot about how many people think today and have always thought. There’s a great short paper by Hegel called Who Thinks Abstractly? And his answer, of course, is the masses. The ones buffoons like Biden represent. Well, some of them anyway.

After all, there are two sides to Polarization, or Dogma.

The masses are by definition carried away by abstractions. They prefer fast brain reaction to slow brain reflection. And no one - no one - in history exploits this more readily and more easily than politicians. And by more easily meaning that the politicians say this because they know that there’s a ready-made public just waiting to have this expectation fulfilled. And it is, generation after generation. Which is why such people become politicians.

But politicians are puppets. Their bosses pull the strings. And their bosses control the money supply and make policy. The politicians are there for show. They may be believers, but they’re not drivers. Can anyone imagine people as powerful as the elite allowing just anyone to step in to take control and change direction? That happened with the Orange Herring and The Swamp went ape-shit. Do you think it’s because they care about the country? They’re destroying the country, intentionally!

No. It’s because they were and are terrified of losing power before they finish selling off the country to the highest bidder, while making sure they’re surrounded by well armed, tax-payer funded, private security firms with shoot to kill impunity in the event of a revolution (Gee, wonder why they think that might happen), as they defund the police nationwide, because those are the police who are supposed to protect and serve the deplorable tax-paying proles who are still seen as a threat despite all of the evidence to the contrary. Though, the reason they’re seen as a threat is because the hostile elite know what they are doing to them (of course, that’s why they are doing it) and know full well that anyone in their right mind might object and possibly revolt.

But an argument could be made that that worry wasn’t justified in the first place and that their hysterical reaction was a result, not of a perceived threat, but of the fact that they’re hysterical, and that this hysteria is deeply ingrained and goes way back. In other words, that’s how they respond because, to use their repulsive jargon, it’s who they are. I'd say that truly qualifies as deplorable.

Speaking of which, what is more deplorable and truly racist then using another race as a weapon to win a class war? The Right might be weak and stupid, and they are certainly that, but the privileged white middle-class Left is insane and evil. They will go down as the worst social demographic in the history of the human race. There is literally nothing good about them. They are the spoiled children of human history who have infected the world with their radical ingratitude and delusions of grandeur.

And, by the way, if you are going to insist, over and over again, like the chattering of an idiot, only less interesting, that the deplorables are stupid, and maybe they are, I certainly think so,* then, in that case, why are you so threatened by them? What does that say about your confidence and leadership skills? Not much.

*The word stupid as it is being used here has nothing to do with intelligence. It's about judgment. From that perspective, both the Right and Left have shown bad judgment, as we all do from time to time, being human and therefore, imperfect. This is why PRC prefers Cultural Transcendence to Ideological Commitment, which is something both the Right and Left have in common. And the reason PRC rejects ideological commitment is because it leads to Cultural Impoverishment. In any event, no one with a passion for knowledge is going to have a passion for politics. Just as no one with a passion for politics is ever going to be able to think straight and honestly about anything - ever.

Maybe this explains why the elite are so hostile. That, for all of their mock outrage and patronizing superiority, even they know that, though hungry for power, they're terrified of leadership.

In any event, they're not taking any chances. And that is why they’re pulling all the stops now. CRT is obviously one of those stops. Create conflict, crush the enemy, destroy the country.

That’s the elite’s real agenda. You could see this in the mostly peaceful riots of 2020. 34 of the cities that hosted protests have a Federal Reserve branch nearby. Of course, that’s no coincidence.

It’s called Disaster Capitalism. They know exactly what they are doing and why. Which explains why, as things calmed down on the street, they moved on to quieter areas of society, namely, the classroom, and started pushing CRT more than ever before.

But the whole sordid affair just goes to show how out of touch they are from even their own reality. Meaning, they were in no danger of losing power. They just overreacted as all scapegoating coward-bullies do. And the narcissistic, scapegoating coward-bully that one finds in dysfunctional families, the ones that render the family maladaptive and ultimately destroy it, are the model for understanding the hostile elite, their useful idiots and proxies.

Again, as Nietzsche said, Whenever anyone overreacts it means they’re lying to themselves about something.* And that's how all scapegoaters react, especially when challenged by the scapegoat. Hence The Scapegoater's Waltz: Scapegoat, Gaslight, Exile.

* Freud didn’t call him the greatest psychologist who ever lived for nothing.

Anyway, we can relate this kind of shallow, impatient, oversimplified and unreflective fast-brain thinking found in CRT, to the behavior of the anti-American Argentinians I’ve known over the years. Just as CRT automatically judges you by race, these folks judge you by the country on your passport.

After listening to the usual oversimplified and shallow harangue (it’s always the same - always), I ask them a couple of questions.

First, I ask them, Who makes, controls and directs the foreign, domestic and economic policies of the United States? The White House? The President? There’s usually no answer, and what answers are given are never very accurate or informative. The next question is, Since all of this has to be paid for, who controls the US Dollar? Clinton? Bush I or II, Obama? Trump? Biden?

It all might be done in their name. But they’re not doing it. So, who is? Who’s making policy and controlling the dollar?

No answer. I then throw in another one for good measure. Let me ask you another question. Why hasn’t any public official in Argentina seen the country’s gold supply since 1984? Because some seedy politician took it, or because international bankers got their greedy little paws on it, like they did the US Treasury? And, do you think there might be a connection between US policy, the control of the dollar and Argentina’s gold supply?

Note: The answer is in the word International. Everyone in the elite today, from finance to media, from government, business and education are anti-Nation State and pro-Globalization. Since they’ve made their intentions clear that they want to destroy Christianity and the Nation-State there’s no legitimacy to the accusation of anyone promoting a Conspiracy Theory. It's just more gaslighting.

Again, no answer. Now, the point in the above is not whether I am right or wrong. I may be one or the other, or partly both. The point is that they never, ever, thought to even ask these simple questions, the answers to which might put everything into a new light and bring us closer to an understanding of the problems we face. Not at all. They’re simply too carried away by abstractions.

Social Media was tailor-made for these people.

In short, the last thing the mob wants is a conversation. But I will say this: I have enjoyed more freedom of speech in Argentina, even with anti-American Argentinians, than I ever experienced in the United States, especially in my own family. The last thing that scapegoating mob was interested in was democracy, or reason.

In fact, families are often the most self-destructive, hate-filled and hate-driven social groups one is likely to come across.

That’s why the family is a model for understanding the USA, or any country or culture, and why many people have to leave it if they are to recover their sanity, sense of identity and their sense of value, without which life is intolerable for human beings (and sadly life is becoming intolerable for a great many Americans).

That’s why comparing family and social systems is so useful.

Especially for those of us in recovery from narcissistic abuse.

That’s why it’s very common for siblings to go into conniptions whenever a connection is made by the scapegoat between family and culture, even though the connection is so obvious. In any event, countries die the way families do. But first they go insane.

Something’s rotten in the state of Denmark. Not in the state of Denmark’s scapegoat. Scapegoat’s are the product of multigenerational abuse and neglect. The act of scapegoating is itself proof of insanity in both the family and the country.

Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it's the rule. But no one goes more insane, no one becomes more fanatical and hysterical, than the family’s golden child, or children, if the family is big enough to have more than one, as mine was. Why? Because the golden child is the narcissistic mother’s mini-me. That’s why going No Contact is essential for the Scapegoat. Why? Because scapegoaters try to get the scapegoat to doubt what they know, which is the road to madness, the road of the scapegoater, and now we’re back to CRT. Because CRT is one of the weapons in the hostile elite’s arsenal against the USA, and part of its job is to get you to doubt what you know by turning reality on its head and turning the public on each other. Or, Divide and Conquer.

Just as the hostile elite in its foreign policy is using the competition, cooperation and confrontation triad as a blindfold to contain and suppress China, so too are they using in their domestic policy, things like CRT to contain and suppress whites.

Only worse, of course. Because the hostile elite has far more power over whites, all whites - not just the deplorables - than they have over China (a people, by the way, who unlike whites don’t exactly strike one as being all that into power-sharing, or as easy as whites are to pick on, push around, or scapegoat).

In any event, that the entire US government, from the White House to the CIA, NSA, FBI and DOJ and the military, accuse voters they don't like of White Supremacy is just insane.

Q: Why is it insane?

A: Because, never mind that they can't point to any real White Supremacists, never mind that it's used as a smear to slander political opponents, but does enormous damage to race relations at a time when the same people making the accusation are calling for racial healing, when what they're really calling for is a racial reckoning. Never mind all of that. The real issue is that the accusation, like everything else coming from the hostile elite, et al. has no grounding in reality. As we said before, for the hostile elite, their useful idiots and paid proxies and for CRT, emotions = evidence and accusations = proof. And that qualifies as insane.

Q: What do you mean by has no grounding in reailty?

A: The whites who are the target of their slander have no institutional power or cultural control, at all, like Palestinians.

Here's the first thing that comes up when searching online for a definition of the word supremacist.

supremacist /suːˈprɛməsɪst,sjuːˈprɛməsɪst/ noun

a person who believes that a particular group, especially one determined by race, religion, or sex, is superior and should therefore dominate society. "racial supremacists

adjective supporting the belief that a particular group, especially one determined by race, religion, or sex, is superior and should therefore dominate society. "supremacist ideologies"

Notice the definition, provided for us by the most powerful company in the history of the world, Google, focuses on belief.

Q: So?

A: So, what matters is reality. A real supremacist doesn't just believe. They put their beliefs into action. A real supremacist doesn't just make demands to be placed above criticism, loved unconditionally and blindly obeyed, or else. No. They have the power to effectuate those insane demands. And they are insane. In short, there are supremacists in the USA. But they're not white. In fact, strictly speaking, they're not just racial, they're ideological.

Q: Changing direction a bit. Can you give an example of CRT and the media?

A: Sure. In fact, let's start Part VII with that question.


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