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Updated: Nov 27, 2024

Opening Remarks

Bit Of Background


Cultural Impoverishment

The University

The Elite’s Real Agenda

Collapsing Narrative Network

Closing Remarkss

Collapsing Narrative Network

Let’s look at this short video from CNN so as to get an idea of the relationship between CRT and the media.

Part One

CNN Video

00:00 - 00:15

Tonight! “Teaching the truth is not radical or wrong.That was the message today from the President of one of the largest teachers unions in the United States who are fighting back, as Republican leaders in several states try to restrict how teachers teach racism in the classroom.

PRC: Well, in point of fact, teaching the truth is wrong if you yourself call what you are teaching a theory. It’s either dishonest and so, fraudulent, or it’s confused and therefore, incompetent. In either case, it’s an example of educational malpractice.

But what I would like to direct attention to are the paralogisms.

Meaning, the unconscious violations of one’s own logic. Such as, referring to something as a theory and then calling it the truth. If, in this case, they are not paralogisms, then they are deliberate deceptions. So, it’s either fraudulence, incompetence, or a bit of both. Whatever it is, it’s evidence of educational malpractice.

But, of course, the real paralogism, the Holy Fucking Jumping Shit Balls! motherload of all paralogisms, is this:

That Identity Politics is the dominant explanatory system in the Western world today underimes the Oppressor/Oppressed argument upon which the entire bullshit explanation is based.

In the first place, if the Oppressor/Oppressed System were true the argument wouldn't even exist. And for obvious reasons I don't think it's necessary to spell out. But not only does it exist, it's the dominant explanatory system in the Western world today.

Meaning, the people using it have complete institutional power and cultural control. So much for White Supremacy.

And this obvious and easy to verify fact begs the question:

How can anything dominant be oppresed?

The more people become aware of this enough to form a critical mass (which is all it takes) the greater the social incoherence. The greater the social incoherence, the greater the culture crisis.

The result?

Explanatory Collapse.

And since explanations function by organizing our transactions with the world, when this one goes down, you're gonna know it.

Back to the obviously pre-taped video.*

*Pre-taped to avoid any embarrassing enounters between the not terribly bright advocate posing as a journalist and anyone smarter than her, such as, for example, anyone over the age of ten.

Note the tone of voice, that of a somewhat annoyed and shaming parent talking to a knowing audience about a rather stupid and recalcitrant child who simply won’t do what the parent tells it to do because the child is just too dumb to get it.*

*We’ll return to this feature of Criticism itself (as in Critical, as in Critical Theory) in a future entry dedicated exclusively to the different modes of Criticism.

The point here is how the tone of voice is a sign that they want you to respond to. You'd think that if the content were enough they wouldn’t need to rely so much on process, as in process and content, and would instead focus on content. But, so be it.

First, one of the largest teachers unions in the United States is, according to CNN, fighting back. A powerful institution does not fight back. It exercises power. Those whose behavior they are attempting to control are the ones fighting back. Welcome to The Amoral Pretzel Logic of The Inverted World of The Hostile Elite.

The more one thinks like this, the more unconscious and therefore automatic their thinking becomes. It’s deception on auto-pilot.* And this is what leads to and accounts for their paralogisms, their inconsistencies and their absurdities. Because they never question their own assumptions. So the idea that it is possible and necessary to occasionally revise their own categories never occurs to them. This explains their arrogance and incompetence. A lethal combination for anyone in power.

*It's also self-deception. But, well, more on that some other time. This entry's already long enough.

In any event, a very powerful institution, with the backing of lots of lawyers and even the White House, does not fight back. They exercise power. It’s the other side who is fighting back. This is yet another of many examples of David becoming Goliath while still pretending he’s David. The dishonesty is so obnoxious.

And who, in this case, is fighting back? Some members of a political party that is, at its best controlled opposition, and at its worst, routinely and unapologetically abandons its base. A base, moreover, that has no institutional power or cultural control, but is being blamed for everything by those in power. What a joke!

And yet, in spite of this obvious and easy to verify fact, these people, who, again, have no real power or cultural control, are called supremacists (yet more paralogisms and projection).

They're not supremacists. They're Designated Scapegoats. And just as Scapegoats are the crazy glue that hold dysfunctional families together, so too is, not just whites, but anti-white hatred, the crazy glue holding The DNC and Identity Politics together.

In any event, every once in a while that controlled opposition, who routinely sells out their base while throwing them under the bus, makes feeble gestures on behalf of said base, as in this case, because they simply have to. CRT is a verbal cancer. It’s a lethal mix of class and race hate with fraudulence and incompetence.

So, it would be too obvious if the RNC (Really Never Cared) didn’t at least appear to be doing something for its base. In any event, it’s the intended target who is fighting back. Obviously!

Note: The comments above have led some to think that I am on the Right, while conversations with those on the Right have convinced them I’m on the Left. I’m not Right or Left and never have been. My primary interest is in continuous learning, change and growth. The Right and Left (two sides of the same Enlightenment coin) are two forms of Dogma and as such are a hindrance at best, and an obstacle at worst, to that primary interest, an interest I have dedicated my life to. And that interest is itself in service to cultural transcendence, not an ideological commitment that inhibits growth.

One of the most powerful unions of one of the five social institutions of a country are imposing, in top-down fashion, an ideology that they call both the truth and a theory. Who wouldn’t push back? What did they expect? Like all sadists they expected their masochists to just shut up and take it. That’s why, as I wrote in the entry on Democracy, we have moved in the United States from a Democratic Constitutional Republic, to an Anarcho-Tyranny to flat out Sado-Masochism. But like many a sadist, the hostile elite have simply gone too far, even for the people of the USA, who seem to be willing to take almost anything. But, not this time. They’ve finally figured out that You get what you put up with. So, they’re not going to put up with it anymore. One can only wish them luck in removing this tumor. They’re going to need luck. Lots of it. Because this elite truly is hostile, malevolent and cruel. They’re also out of their fucking minds.

In this example the masochist is trying to restrict the amount of pain the sadist is willing to inflict on them. This is literally the Pretzel Logic of all criminal minds. You’re bad because you won’t let me abuse and destroy you like you deserve. Again, they don’t call them the hostile elite, or nation-wreckers, for nothing.

Also, how teachers teach racism in the classroom. But racism is a word. As I said in a previous entry Where To Begin? even the word God is, before it’s anything, a word. And words come from human beings, not Gods. We can prove they come from people, we can’t prove they come from Gods, or a God. That’s why people, for good reason, look with suspicion at anyone who claims to have direct knowledge of God, or speaks for God. But now these tolerant people are claiming to speak the truth though they call it a theory, and yet are surprised there’s pushback.

And there is no teaching without learning anymore than there’s buying without selling. They go together. When they don’t, it isn’t teaching, it’s indoctrination. And that’s what CRT is.

And what about words? Especially the important words of any Explanatory System. All words are categorical, conventional, and subject to polysemy, or, multiple definitions. But the source of categories, conventions and definitions are human beings.

Human beings determine how a category should be applied to a specific situation. And the source of that determination is a human being's response to the conventional use and the corresponding definition of the word appropriate in that case.

In other words, language is connected to the world by behavior.

So, we have the triumvirate of language - world - behavior.

This is what we mean when we say here at PRC that

The meaning of life is your response to it.

Because meanings are determined. We struggle to stabilize meanings exactly because meaning is not immanent in the word, anymore than the stimulus is in the response. Meanings are determined by human beings. Meaning is a matter of behavior.

Again, this is why there was an effort to place the Humanities under the Behavioral Sciences and why the fact that that didn't happen in the United States constitutes something of a disaster.

What CRT in general and CNN in this particular video, on behalf of CRT, is doing is bypassing all of this so as to impose its response as perfect and final. But, far from proving the truth-value of their response, they’re responding like psychotics.

Why? Because their explanations account for so little of the data.

They simply leave too much out - way too much. The result is the creation of unrealistic expectations. And, as the saying goes - Expectations are resentments waiting to happen. No wonder so many, if not all, of these people are always so fucking miserable.

This is why they have a positively psychotic reaction to, and use of, the word racism. So much so, that even the mother in this video uses the word as she has been instructed to use it by the very people she is standing up to. The Civil War was not fought to end racism, and for a simple reason devoid of any complexity.

The word racism didn’t even exist in the 19th century. She can’t be blamed for the use of that word, though clearly she and so many others would do well to stop using it in that way.

The point of all of this, obviously, is that the way words like racism, etc. are used is an important part of the problem. So, the question to ask is: What is there in the real world that the word racism directs us to locate and informs us about?

It’s not a coincidence that the hostile elite, CRT and CNN, et al. never ask this question. Because, if they did, again, their entire explanatory system would immediatley be reduced to rubble.

This is how sick, crazy and stupid the hostile elite is, and CNN.

That’s why I’ve humored myself for years by referring to

CNN as Collapsing Narrative Network. According to them, if it wasn’t for Republicans and their magic ability to brainwash their base, then that base would accept a theory as the truth. As if brainwashing and brainsoiling isn’t what the elite is all about.

All the elite has is ridicule, sarcasm, shame, blame, misrepresentation, projection and denial. And, of course, Gaslighting. Lots and lots of gaslighting. What they do not have, however, no matter what they say or believe, is the truth.

Still, the video is informative. Because it makes it clear as day that CNN can’t differentiate between opinion and fact. It doesn’t even bother. Instead, it presents its interpretation as the truth.

But the real point of the title of Part VII, the real point of Collapsing Narrative Network, is that it applies not just to CNN, and not just to the whole Woke ideology, Cancel Culture, and of course CRT itself. The real point is that all of these narratives are themselves properly subsumed by the entire explanatory system of The Enlightenment, which includes any of the variations of Right-wing politics as well. That's the point!

This is exactly what I'm talking about when I say that we are living in The Age of Explanatory Collapse. Because we are.

The sooner we recognize and accept this the better off we'll be.

Part Two

Back to the video.

CNN: In the wake of protests of the murder of George Floyd, Republican politicians have been hyping Critical Race Theory as a threat to the impressionable minds of America’s children.

PRC: Get it? You can’t question our lies, ever. Whether it’s George Floyd, Covid, the Election, or CRT.* Or, September 11th, The USS Liberty, RFK, JFK, or WWII. Noticing a pattern here? The last 100+ years should be called The Century of the Lie.

*All in one year. Gee, what a coincidence.

And, by lies, I don’t mean these events didn’t happen or aren’t real, I mean their interpretation of them all as absolute truths, or of supreme importance, or supreme unimportance, are lies. And, if they are not lies, why do they need to force them on us? That they call the people stupid is no answer. In fact, it’s the problem.

Conspiracy Theory? WTF?

Why do they routinely, mechanically, demonize dissent, pathologize opposition, take away our freedoms (that they used to climb to power on and are able to exercise themselves) and dismiss literally every single objection as a Conspiracy Theory?

First, if the thoughts and actions of a group of people, from the elite to literally millions of those in the general public, are uniform and overt then the claim of a conspiracy is unnecessary, and the accusation of believing in a Conspiracy Theory is absurd.

But, if they're going to insist on accusing others of believing in Conspiracy Theories, very well then, let’s hear the theory. Of course, given their indifference to understanding what a theory is, they’re hardly going to be interested in a correct use of the word.

Conspiracy Theory as an accusation is a weapon the elite uses when they know the public is on to them. It’s an offense masked as defense. In short, it was created to discredit counter-narratives.

But, from the point of view of the forgotten conditions of teaching and learning it's more proof of intellectual corruption.

In fact, their accusation of Conspiracy Theory is the opposite of their use of the word. They look at their use of the word theory as the truth. So, any other theory is false. But you don’t falsify a theory by denying it. You falsify a theory by testing it. But, as we’ve made clear, over and over again, for a reason, they won’t test their own theory. So they’re not going to test anyone else’s.

So, CRT practitioners and supporters are guilty of theory-denial.

Note: By the way, if you think what we are discussing in this entry is a Conspiracy Theory then you have obviously never lived in New York, where this kind of thinking is extremely common. And not just in New York City, but in the State of New York as well. Where many a coup has originated, interestingly enough, in the Attorney General's office. In any event, and as I like to say, who needs a Conspiracy Theory when you have the facts of Cultural History, the patterns of Human Behavior, and the reality of Current Events aligned like a Perfect Storm and staring us all right in the face?

Besides, since investigation, public exposure and remedy, the only truly effective measures against any real conspiracy, have never been successfully tried, complaining every time one hears the word conspiracy mentioned while dicsussing politics is like complaining every time one hears a song - during a musical!

But there’s something more and it’s pretty interesting and very revealing. Conspiratorial behavior is not a prominent feature of Western Civilization. Of course it’s happened and happens. But it’s not some conspicuous attribute of Western Cultural Life.

Why? Because such behavior worked against its own values. It was considered ignoble and cowardly. Everything in the West has been about transparency. That’s why the West has been the only civilization in world history with an almost 3,000 year long tradition of self-criticism.* One can see this throughout the entire history of the West. From the ancient Greek admonition of Know Thyself, to the Socratic admission of ignorance and how that is the foundation of all knowledge, from the words of Jesus Let your light so shine before men so that they may see your good works, to Nietzsche’s Become who you are!

*Name one group associated with Identity Politics that values self-criticism and can engage in it without anxiety. You can’t name one. On the contrary, they all operate out of an impossible to believe in Myth Of Innocence that says, in effect, We never do anything wrong. Things are done to us. This mentality is incapable of genuine and lasting learning, change and growth. So it has no business calling itself progressive. It’s delusional and fanatical and as such represents the real cancer of the human race. The kind of cancer one finds in the mad ravings of a Susan Sontag, Noel Ignatiev, Political Correctness, Identity Politics and, of course, Critical Race Theory. All of whom are in the West, but not of the West. Obviously. You couldn't talk like Sontag and Ignatiev if you were.

Jesus didn’t say conceal your light. He said, let it shine. Is that why they crucified him? And by they I don't mean the Romans.

And Nietzsche didn’t say Hide who you are! Or, Become someone else! He said, Become who you are! Is that why he died alone? Hiding, lying and conspiratorial behavior associated with those in the West who, then and now, are not of the West, are all a part of what Nietzsche referred to as The Slave Revolt in Morality and that Ortega echoed in The Revolt of the Masses.

Note: Just read aphorism 7 from Book One of On The Genealogy of Morals to know what's the what's it. Everything else is just BS propaganda - by them. If one wanted to read further on this then they can check out Douglas Reed's The Controversy of Zion and Solzhenitsyn's 200 Years Together. Those two men are hands down the most courageous writers of the 20th century. Their books deserve to be read.

Honorable mention should go to John Beaty's excellent and on target The Iron Curtain Over America.

It is this kind of person along with their useful idiots and paid proxies in the West that are truly unhappy. They are constantly judging others exactly because they suffer from a bad relationship - with themselves! So they've got a lot to hide. That’s why they want to destroy anything that might be a source of happiness because it inspires people to become who they are, exactly so they can let their light so shine upon others and the world.

Those, however, within the West who reject the Western tradition and Western Civilization itself, will even sacrifice family and friends to feed their insatiable addiction to mood-altering through self-righteousness. As Jung said, all neurosis is a substitute for legitimate suffering. It’s exactly because the West has had the courage to face itself that it has been capable of continuous learning, change, and growth. And the source of this growth has been our powerful and inspiring cultural heroes, from Soctrates to Spinoza, from Jesus to Neitzsche. What, on the other hand, is inspiring about CRT? It might inspire revulsion. But it isn't going to inspire anyone with a passion for knowledge - ever.

If the West has been about the constant search for values like Beauty, Truth and Goodness, then anything anti-Western is about Ugliness, Dishonesty, and Hatred. Obviously! In fact, it’s exactly because this is so obvious that, now that they’re in power, they have to take away our freedom of speech. Because with that freedom we could expose their dishonesty, hatred and ugliness.

Note: Not that one can't help but see it anyway. Which would explain The Great Replacement (that they simultaneously and insanely both brag about and deny), ie; so that their Designated Scapegoat isn't around to see it at all.

Self-discovery is the result of search behavior. And search behavior is absolutely essential to the problem-solving process.

That’s why problem-solving and self-discovery go together. You uncover a part of yourself that you can then share with others.

And since it doesn’t take long to see just how imperfect we are and how much we would like people to accept us in spite of those imperfections, we begin to realize that for this to happen we would have to accept their imperfections too. This is really what is meant by empathy. And empathy is a Western value!

From this perspective, CRT is positively anti-Western. Because it’s real objective is that anyone and everyone not white is automatically placed above criticism, while whites are criticised into a state of permanent guilt from which there’s no escape.

No thanks! Of course, the hostile elite is not asking. They are demanding it. And, since they have the power to effectuate those demands then they are the only real supremacists. Obviously!

Otherwise, they too would be willing to expose their own histories to a process of continuous feedback and correction, like Whitey. That’s why growth, not conspiracy, is central to the West.

From this perspective the hostile elite, et al. owe the West a debt of gratitude. And they should pay it. We’re waiting. Until then, no one - no one - should take what the hostile elite says seriously.

Note: Speaking of the hostile elite not only not being Western, but being aggresssively, fanatically and unapologetically anti-Western, even though they've lived well in the West for as long as they've been here, 66 million white Christians mercilessly slaughtered in Soviet Russia and not one movie? Even though we get 300+ movies about WWII. Maybe they don't want anyone to notice because they plan on doing it again. Only this time in the United States. A this point, who would put it past them?

Also, here’s something you can test for yourselves and not take my word for it. Ever notice that the hostile elite, et al. respond to any objection by saying that it’s yet another example of fear and anger? Again, the response is always that of an obnoxious and shaming parent talking down to a recalcitrant child who refuses to obey their every word - and all in the name of Democracy.

As if responding this way settles the matter. It doesn't. What it does do, however, is raise curious doubts about them.

It never occurs to the elite that those responding have a better grasp of the situation than they do. And that one reason why is that what is happening in that situation is an attack against them!

And so, the parents seen in this video are responding accordingly by defending themselves and their children! This would explain why the elite are demonizing self-defense. If that doesn’t concern you, it ought to. Of course, you’re not even allowed to be concerned or even notice. How Old Testament can you get?

Back to the Video @1:15

CNN: In more than 12 States legislators have proposed bills to ban CRT.

PRC: Does Elle Reeves know that there are 50 states in the country and that 12 does not constitute a majority and so poses no threat to this one aspect of the elite’s hostile takeover of the country? And the legislators are merely proposing a bill to a government controlled by a White House and Congress that supports CRT. Who is stoking fear and anger?


CNN: We wanted to meet the actual people, working with actual kids in actual schools.

PRC: Which makes sense, given CNN’s dedication to reality. What an obnoxious and condescending twit this reporter is. Just what the world needs, another sanctimonious mediocrity with a Dunning-Kruger diploma in Communications. The arrogant tone of voice is so juvenile and pathetic. In other words, We live in reality. Anyone who disagrees with us doesn’t. They’re Right-wing Nazi Racists who deserve to die. The reality is that the elite, their proxies and useful idiots (like her) live out of The Dark Triad.

Useful Idiots and Paid Proxies

The best examples of a Useful Idiot and Paid Proxy would have to be Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X Khendi. They're also two examples of something endemic and epidemic today in the West in general the USA in particular, credentialed mediocrity. In any event, this next part of the video has a mini-me version of both.

Note: Speaking of D’Angelo and Khendi, the reader might wonder why I have only mentioned them and not analyzed their writing. Well, as you might have guessed, this was intentional. First, because my interest was in directing attention to related matters having to do with culture that are far more important, to all of us. But, also, because it’s depressing to analyze stupidity. Now, you might think this is an evasion. But that thought is refuted by this entry itself. But, if the reader would like to know what I think of those in favor of CRT in general and of D'Angelo and Khendi in particular, very well.

I’ll put it this way.

Nothing they have written, or that anyone has said in support of CRT, can in any way be seen as a solution to the many problems presented to us by the civilization that we all live in. A civilization, to repeat, more complex and unpredictable than ever before in history. It is exactly this that should be of concern to all of us, to you, me, and them. But it isn’t a concern to them, at all. And that is definitely concerning. Again, this is what helps explain that feeling of fraudulence that one finds regarding CRT.

But if one is not satisfied with the above and would like a more technical response: fair enough.

I have three primary objections to all Critical Theory, from The Frankfurt School to CRT (all of whom, whether aware of it or not, use explanatory elements found in Marx and Fraud, I mean Freud).

  1. They hypostatize, not just language, but meaning itself.

  2. Their constitutive use of verbal constructs.

  3. Their laughably naive use of causality.

The entire Critical Theory school were, from the very beginning, uncritically proceeding on naive conceptions of immanent meaning and reference. That's why, though they have also from the very beginning pretentiously and inaccurately referred to themselves as theoreticians, a more accurate and honest descriptor would be practicioners, or better yet, indoctrinators, or even better, con artists. This explains their chutzpah. They lust for power but can't transcend their superstitious thinking. So they indulge in bold assertions that their theories are truths, while boldly inverting reality itself. The good news: it's now possible to reduce their bullshit theory to rubble faster than you can say whiteness.

Part Three


CNN: So we talked to Kaziah Ridgeway, who teaches high school African American history and discusses CRT in her anthropology class. Ah! At long last folks, an expert! So, is she a history teacher or anthropology teacher? Whatever.

CNN Hack: Can I just start with a simple….* - What is Critical Race Theory?

*The word she’s looking for is question. No wonder the word didn’t come to her, since real questions are like kryptonite to these hacks.

Ridgeway: Critical Race Theory is not being taught in schools.

PRC: Get it? Because bad and stupid Americans are complaining about CRT being taught in schools, Ridgeway is here to tell those Americans that CRT isn’t being taught in schools, instead of just answering the fucking question. Of course, the elite, et al. are not interested in, or able to, distinguish between use, discuss, and teach. Whatever a teacher discusses in class is part of what’s being taught. Otherwise, why discuss it? The point here is their constant and obnoxious verbal weaseling.

Oh, and by the way, CNN tells us that Ridgeway discusses CRT in her classes. Nice. Does that discussion include feedback?

Moving right along.

But before we do, as mentioned in Part I, denying that CRT is being taught in the classroom is about its practitioners deliberately blurring the line between curriculum and pedagogy.

This is not only deliberate, it's also childish, dishonest and unprofessional. It's yet another example of educational malpractice. Not to mention Corrupt and Conquer.

Ridgeway: It is a theory. It is a lens by which to view history, in the way that law and race kind of overlaps and connects in society.

PRC: So, again, if it’s a theory it’s not the truth. It’s just one perspective, as is made obvious by the use of the words lens and view. Of course, what would be more interesting and informative would be a discussion of the orientation that projects that view.

But, again, don’t expect a discussion of that. Because their theory wouldn’t survive it. Besides, at this point, they don’t seem to even know what an orientation is. They used to like to use the word back in the 80’s and even for a time after that, as in sexual orientation. But orientation has to do with mental models, pre-tuned sets, you know, the mind. And, an explanation of that and how it works would, Drumroll! undermine their bullshit theory!

How? Not by describing how the mind works, but by making it clear that there is no such entity as the mind. Mind is the word we use to bridge the abyss of our ignorance about what happens between stimulus and response. Making the possession of the truth a human impossibility. This was the whole intellectual revolution started by Kant that the elite wants to bury. They very well might succeed (if succeed is the word you want to use). And that’s bad news for us and our children (remember them?).Why? Because knowing the difference between searching for the truth and possessing it will increase our chances for survival.

How? We live by our ideas. In fact, we are our ideas. And, because of the way the mind works, those ideas can never be perfect and final. First, because those ideas come about in response to a specific historical situation that itself is in response to the problems that situation presents to those living at that time.

By the time people get around to applying the solution, that situation has passed. It has, alas, entered history. And, though still worth knowing, and even possibly still having great value, it nevertheless, lacks the urgency of the present moment, simply because that solution belonged to a present moment in the past.

This is why PRC is commited to continuous learning and why Writings is undergoing constant revision and editing.

We can and should search for the truth. We can never possess it.

To hypostatize language is to hypostatize the moment. It’s to keep us frozen in past time. This is what all recovering addicts learn. Though, none more than the recovering family scapegoat (for reasons we will explore in a future entry). Because the scapegoat suffers from the second worst addiction - the addiction to words in the form of beliefs asserted to be ultimate truths. In the case of the scapegoat that addiction is, I am the worst of the worst. A common feeling of those who were abandoned by their father, rejected by their mother and, with her blessing, abused by their siblings. In fact, it’s not a feeling, it’s an identity. This explains why it takes so long to free oneself from it. But, when they do, they will know a freedom no one else knows. That’s why recovering scapegoats are of great value to us now. To paraphrase Peter Handke, they know what no angel knows. Scapegoat Survivors are Angels. There is no one else like them on earth.

Anyway, if that’s the second worst addiction, what is the first, or the worst? The worst addiction in the world is the addiction to mood-altering through self-righteousness, or virtue signaling.

The addiction of all Scapegoaters.

Which, not surprisingly, is the addiction the shaming parent has and passes on to their golden children and flying monkeys. And now we’re back to CRT. Because no one alive today suffers from this worst of all addictions more than CRT believers. No one.

Maybe we can help them recover by getting them into a 12 Step program. They certainly need it. Be that as it may, let’s continue.


Ridgeway: Can it influence the way some teachers teach?

PRC: Oh, so it is being taught. Oops. Who edits these things?

Ridgeway: Yeah. But that’s a good thing. Right?

PRC: The whole point is that the public should be the judge of that. Not the teachers of a powerful union, lawyers, and the White House!


Ridgeway: Because race and racism is literally the building blocks of this country. So, how can you not talk about it?

PRC: “....are literally” not “is.” I guess CNN was too busy determining the nature of reality and absolute truth to bother running that through a spellcheck. But is they, I mean, are they literally the building blocks? And if they are, How do you know? How did you come to that conclusion? Do you even know? And if you do, can you tell us? And what is even meant by building blocks? Isn’t that what the theory is supposed to determine?

Oh, but it isn’t a theory, according to them, it’s the truth, as the union leader, CNN and Kaziah Ridgeway have all just told us.

So, sometimes it is a theory even though it’s the truth. And they aren’t teaching it, but they are teaching it. You follow? Yeah, me either. What a bunch of dolts these people are. Actually, and in all fairness, there’s nothing wrong with these people that a case of the bubonic plague wouldn't cure. They’re a joke.

By the way, speaking of a joke, compare what Ridgeway says at @1:37 (CRT isn’t being taught in schools) with what she says at @2:52. These people are fucking morons! They even look stupid.

Oh, and earlier in hack Elle Reeve's report, Ted Cruz is shown saying Critical Race Theory says America's fundamentally racist.

And this is used as an example of CRT opponents stoking fear.

Then, at the 2:00 mark mentioned above Ridgeway says race and racism is literally the building blocks of this country. Oops!

Obviously, it would have been better if someone had asked both women What is a theory? Now that would have been funny.

Also, notice that Ridgeway answers her own question. So they’re not really discussing it, talking about it, or teaching it, at all. They're using it as a mode of indoctrination, as we said in Part I.

The point is, the result is the same, educational malpractice, itself one of the many consequences of cultural impoverishment.

The point regarding CRT is that they really don't know what they are doing and they don’t care. But that shouldn’t concern us though. Not at all. Why should anyone express concern about the obvious fact that an elite this powerful and hostile should demonstrate such contempt and incompetence at the same time?

Seriously, they’re a joke. But no one’s laughing, for a reason.

Still, Ridgeway did use the word lens, which means perspective. And perspective has to do with interpretation. This is important.

Why? Because a perspective has to be interpreted, and an interpretation is an explanation. And now we’re back to our Irreducibles and why we believe in their value enough to share them with you here. The truth-value of the Irreducibles is in their usefulness. They are always going to be useful because they are irreducible - literally. Again, just look and see, test and use.

There’s something we need to direct attention to at this point.

Something of vital importance to us in these confusing times.

We have a general theory of relativity. There is no general theory of interpretation. We have different modes of interpretation and criticism, but no general theory. No theory could ever be true. A theory either works or it doesn’t. Then again, even the general theory of relativity doesn't claim to be true, of course not. Why?

Because it would be laughed out of the scientific world if it did.

That’s not to say it doesn’t have truth-value, of course it does. But it has truth-value exactly because it’s a theory that works. The same applies to our Irreducibles. That’s why we use them.

CRT doesn’t have truth-value as a theory because it isn’t one!

And yet here we have a bunch of mediocrities calling their theory the truth when it isn’t even a fucking theory. Clowns. And what do you do with clowns? You laugh at them!


CNN: Critical Race Theory is an academic framework that says racial inequality is perpetuated by the racism embedded in America’s laws. Not by individual bigotry.

PRC: A better example of immanent meaning would be impossible to imagine. Immanent Meaning is a superstition. There is no such thing. Meaning is not immanent. Meanings are determined by human beings.

In any event, regarding her comment about America's laws, Where does the law come from if not from individuals? The social interaction between individuals within any culture takes place in social institutions. The legal system is subsumed by the government, one of the five social institutions discussed above. Do they even know this? Of course not. They’re too busy not teaching CRT, but discussing it, or using it, etc. Whatever!

But, again, it’s never presented as a theory. It’s presented as the truth. Which, to repeat, is the whole point of all of this. And proof that CRT practitioners and supporters believe it is the truth is found throughout this video and not just the video. But, as we said, if it’s a theory, why does it begin with what it should end with? Why don't they translate what the framework says into operational statements and then test it in the real world, so as to confirm or falsify the theory? We’ve already answered that one.

They can’t do that because not only would their use of the word be exposed as fraudulent, their explanation would collapse. And, since explanations organize our transactions with the world, because it controls behavior, their whole world would collapse along with their explanation. That is what this is all about folks!

Explanation and Power: The Control of Human Behavior!

Part Four

As I said in Part II, CRT is an example of Exemplification. It can’t be falsified. So, it’s not a theory. The union leader is so smart she didn’t even realize that she let the cat out of the bag by calling CRT the truth, while lecturing others for not accepting a theory being used, talked about and taught in the classroom even though it’s not being taught, as Ridgeway said. What buffoons!

People this stupid, incompetent and mediocre have no business talking down to the rest of us, let alone enforcing their dumb ideas on people as a way to punish them for who they are.

They also have no business being anywhere near the centers of power of a civilization more complex and unpredictable than ever before in the history of the world. No wonder, though power-hungry, they’re terrified of leadership. But, above all, these people have no business being anywhere near children! Ever!

In any event, it's not surprising they’re no good at social management. Because they don’t understand the relationship that exists between Explanation and Social Management, like I do.

If you watch the video you'll see that one part of its format is the CNN hack/advocate/reporter Elle Reeves interviewing opponents of CRT. But even with CNN doing the editing, or because CNN is doing the editing, it still blows up in her face. She comes off looking so dumb while those she interviews sound reasonable.

For example, one parent says, reasonably enough, Don't force on our kids a particular worldview. Taking a wide brush and painting this country as structurally racist, it's insane. It's a lie.

The insufferable hack's condescending answer is that America's racism isn't distant history. Her evidence: In the 90's the crime bill gave much more severe sentencing to crack cocaine versus powder cocaine simply because black people were perceieved as doing crack and white people weren't. She actually said that.

If she had done her research she would have known what most people in NYC knew at the time, especially crack addicts and even those of us who, on occasion, during a night later filed under Drunk and Stupid took enormous risks to get some. She would have known that the reason the penalties were so severe is because the Congressional Black Caucus demanded it.

Oh, and by the way sprout, those laws were passed in the 80's, not In the 90's. In fact, the New York Times did a story on it in 1986, reporting on all-night vigils held by 60 black churches. Look it up Elle! Then again, in an age when smug arrogance has replaced professional journalism, there's no need for research.

Then there's this exchange between Reeves and a young man @5:58. Young Man: To paint the country as an inherently racist country from its founding I think is dangerous.

Hack/Advocate/Reeves: The three-fifths compromise is written into the Constitution in which slaves are counted as three-fifths of a person.

PRC: Ooo! She got him! Only, she didn't.

First, even if she was right, and we'll explain why she isn't in a moment, you can't judge the past based on present day standards. Especially if those standards were made possible in the first place by the very Constitution and the very demograhpic you are now judging - on moral grounds! And, again, that would apply even if she was right. But, as we said, she's not right. And, in this case, there's nothing for her to research, nothing for her to look up.

All she would have to do is read what it says. If she did she'd see that it means the exact opposite of what she thinks it means.

The phrase in question had nothing to do with the slaves humanity, at all! Saying that it does is simply a product of the habitual moralizing that has distorted the facts of history and poisoned the well of public discourse.

The phrase is about congressional apportionment! The slaves states wanted to count slaves as full persons in order to increase the number of their representatives in Congress. In fact, it's the same idea behind the DNC's demand that illegal aliens be counted when determining a state's congressional apportionment.

How can you call yourself a journalist and not even know what that clause means? Worse, she's so clueless she actually virtue signals about it. A better example of moral imbecility would be hard to imagine. We are entering The Age of Shamelessness, said Nietzsche. 130+ years later and we're deep in it now - way deep.

Speaking of which, let's end our look into this video with this pair of howlers starting @7:03. I'm creating little free-thinkers and future politicians and lawyers and teachers and change-makers.

PRC: Oh brother! How grandiose and narcissistic can you get?

Her job is to impart knowledge and remove ignorance. You do that by teaching your students How to think, not What to think.

And since when has a politician or lawyer ever aspired to be a free-thinker?

Finally, there's this one @7:12.

Ridgeway: Our kids are smart. They know what's happening (Then what do they need you for?). And, I think we do them a disservice by continuing to pretend, like, Critical Race Theory is the issue, when it's really, you just don't want the kids to learn the truth.

PRC: What an idiot. Talk about taking up space.

Let's ignore the adolescent use of like and focus instead on two things. One, the obvious and obnoxious gaslighting and, two, the not so obvious, but even more important paralogism of once again calling their theory the truth. But, the paralogism continues and it gets worse, but also very revealing, and ends with this gem.

Ridgeway: Because, not only do they become critical thinkers they also become voters. And that is what's scaring a lot of these people (ie; whites who don't think like her, CNN, the DNC, etc.), because they know that as this generation gets older a lot of these people who are making these laws will be voted out of office.

PRC: What scares people is anyone this stupid who has the power to effecuate their insane demand to be placed above criticism. But, as long as you brought it up, you and your demographic is the one being voted out of office as we speak.

Proof? Los Angeles! It's the future of black America. They're not just being voted out. They're being replaced! And not just them.

Concluding Remarks

This has not been a fun video to watch. Examing and analyzing one's own thinking and the thinking of others, in an effort, not only to replace confusion with clarity, but also to search for and remove our paralogisms, can actually be an enjoyable experience.

As educators we should help our students, clients and partners learn how to do this. That way the learning and enjoyment can play into each others hands and increase the capacity for both.

But, trying to untie the knots of what passes for thinking in this video has not been fun. It's like trying to unscramble an omelette.

First, they are not learning to be free-thinkers because they are not being taught Critical Thinking. That's why the whole point of this entry has been to suggest that Critical Race Theory be replaced by Critical Thinking and that all of Critical Theory be replaced by Systems Theory. Never mind that the entire system itself would have to breakdown for that to ever happen exactly because of people like Ridgeway and Reeves and CNN and the Teacher's Union and the DNC and the White House, etc.

Not to mention that neither Ridgeway or Reeves are competent at Critical Thinking. On the contrary. They're unreflective thinkers who have never learned how to quesiton their own assumptions.

Second, as far as people being voted out of office, the DNC controls the entire Federal government, including the Pentagon!

How could she not know that? And what's with CNN's editors?

Ah! I've had enough folks. Let's start to wrap this up. Shall we?

See you at Part VIII for some Closing Remarks. Til then!


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