Opening Remarks
Bit Of Background
Cultural Impoverishment
The University
The Elite’s Real Agenda
Collapsing Narrative Network
Closing Remarks
Closing Remarks
It was sad to watch the USA Jonestown itself to death from 6,000 miles away. Then I got over it. A few things helped make that easy. CRT was certainly one of them. But for anyone who has ever bothered to really look at the United States from a cultural perspective, both historical and contemporary, it's obvious that the process had been underway for a long, long time.
By 2020 it was pretty much a done deal. But just to make sure, the elite unleashed, well, 2020 itself, as a kind of grand finale.
As things stand now, the United States is no longer a country.
So what is it? It's just a mass of competing fringe groups, some more equal than others, fighting over the spoils created by a host population that they have collectively steamrolled into oblivion.
In short, The USA is an Orwellian Nightmare, or Daymare.
There's never a single causal force, for anything, though some things do tend to stick out more than others, and for a reason. We've touched on some of those reasons throughout this entry.
But what kind of culture made the appearance of CRT possible in the first place? Or, to put it bluntly, who was running the show?
Well, the kind of people who emerged from the cultural situation described in Part IV. I've referred to them a lot in this Journal in general and in this entry in particular as The Hostile Elite, but I haven't said that much about them. We'll have more to say about them in our next entry, but for now the following will serve.
To simplify things, the hostile elite, or, the directing class, the movers and shakers, as it were, consist of four groups, which represent four sides of the same Cultural Pyramid that itself is based on good old-fashioned greed, the intense and selfish desire for money and power. An important part of that power, arguably the most important, is an out of control addiction to mood-altering through self-righteousnes, or virtue signalling, which, of course, is the exactly opposite of virtue, in fact it's virtue's enemy, as it is used to justify their insatiable lust for power.
If those living on this particular Cultural Pyramid can't have the money they'll settle for the power by aligning themselves with it.
Of course, if some of those shekels drop from top to bottom and into their pockets, as happens on occasion, so much the better. That's why it doesn't matter where one is placed on this Pyramid.
But, the one thing everyone living on this Pyramid has in common is that they all operate out of The Dark Triad. So that's what we'll call this particular Cultural Pyramid.*
What this means is that, since whenever we face one side of a pyramid that side appears as a triangle, each angle of this pyramid is one of the three parts of The Dark Triad:
The Lust for Power, Narcissism, and Psychopathy.
*If one wanted to they could call it The Cultural Pyramid of Neoliberalism, or The Cultural Pyramid of The Cultural Philistines (as opposed to The Philistines, ie; The Proles, or as they're referred to today, The Deplorables). But for now The Cultural Pyramid of The Dark Triad will do.
Here are the four sides of The Dark Triad's Pyramid.
The Money-Hungry (Banksters & Big Tech, etc.)
The Power-Hungry (Politicians & Big Tech, etc.)
The Conformist (Watchdog Groups & Big Tech, etc.)*
The Pretentious (Academia, The MSM & Big Tech, etc.)
*The Watchdogs are groups like The ADL, The $PLC, The US Government, and, of course, The KKK (The Ku Klux Karens), etc. all aggressively anti-free speech supremacist groups operating in the realm of the absolute. These groups and many others are the beating heart of Cancel Culture. Since power comes out of a barrel of a gun these groups are all backed by force, BLM, antifa, the US military, etc.
As with social institutions, they're interdependent. So, they're continuously interacting with each other. So much so, in fact, that it's not easy to tell one from the other. Every single member from each group seems to blend indecipherably into the other. So much so, in fact, that they all seem like the same person, which they basically are, or might as well be.* Which is another way of saying that their way of life can only be continuously reinforced.
*This is not because I want to see them as the same person, the way they want to see whites. This is because they want to be the same person. In terms of group behavior their primary interest, aside from power of course, is sameness, not difference. You didn't actually believe in all that talk about Diversity, did you? For more on what I call The Lie of DIE see Part VI of this entry.
What does that mean exactly?
Well, since things are primarily cultural and the above groups control the culture, the culture looks like them. Unfortunately.
Why Unfortunately? A lot of reasons. But, if we had to reduce those reasons to one it would be because they're unhealthy.
What is healthy?
Well, we've already said. Growth! Intellectual, Social and Moral growth, the justification for which being human imperfection, and not some barbaric, pre-modern notion of Original Sin.
The point is that the hostile elite inhibits growth - on purpose.*
*Of course, this includes their paid proxies, useful idiots, watchdog groups and those in the general public who go along to get along with a toxic and hateful social force that is essentially against them.
Why? Because they're not interested in it. That's why. As we've said before, the elite, et al. operates out of The Dark Triad. In fact, as we've made clear at the beginning of Part VIII, they are The Dark Triad. So, what they're interested in above all else is Full Spectrum Dominance, power, control, and blind obedience.
But, life is dynamic not static, and we're imperfect not perfect. Which means the hostile elite are anti-life and anti-human.
Now we're convinced they will fail in the long run. But there's no ignoring the enormous damage they can do. In fact, it seems to be all they can do, because it's what they're most interested in.*
*The fact that they think they're doing something else is beside the point. Or, rather, is the whole point. Since they actually think they're saving the world. Which just goes to show how delusional and dangerous they are.
The reason we're convinced they'll fail is what we've mentioned before, referring to it as The Physics of Social Management.
And what we mean by that phrase is this: The attempt of the hostile elite to create a social order that is free of control and sustained by force only increases the uncontrolled exercise of naked power. And it's exatly that force, constantly applied, that destablizes the very social institutions their power now controls.
Nothing fails like their success. Until then, all they can do is what they've been doing the world over - spread darkness and misery.
That's why anyone who has dedicated their lives to continuous learning, change and growth and who lives out of a set of values and principles that support such a life and does so on a consistent basis, in short, anyone who believes in continous renewal and lives it one day at a time, should look down on the hostile elite with contempt, no matter how rich and powerful they are. You are at the top of a Cultural Pyramid that is lethal to these parasites.
The four sides of our Cultural Pyramid are Science, Philosophy, Art and Religion, or SPAR. The study of which bettter prepares us for life by training us to improve our problem-solving skills and predictive powers in every area of thought and activity.
That's our pyramid. So what is the triangle of that pyramid?
Instead of a lust for power we have a passion for knowledge.
Instead of narcissism we have self-awarenes and accountability. And, instead of paychopathology we have empathy and shame.
And by shame I mean healthy shame, not toxic shame. Toxic shame is what The Dark Triad is all about. And no one - no one - knows this more than The Dark Triad's Designated Scapegoat.
Provided the scapegoat has transcended that role by breaking down to breakthrough, by uncovering, discovering, and recovering who they are, by knowing the difference between who they are and what The Dark Triad says they are. In other words, provided the scapegoat has transcended role-playing and moved into a larger freedom by replacing unconscious and automatic role-playing with conscious and reflective self-discovery.
In short, provided they have replaced cultural conformity with Cultural Transcendence. Such individuals don't simply know what innovation is, they are innovation, because they have lived it and continue to live it - one day at a time.
Such individuals are constantly rediscovering their sense of value and identity. Not just so they can have that sense of value. But so they can live it and keep it alive by sharing that value with others.
You are exceptional and should love yourself and those around you who live as you do, no matter what the hostile elite says!
The good news is there are lots of us and we come from all over.*
*And the fact that we come from all over explains The Dark Triad's need to both Divide and Conquer and Corrupt and Conquer. Because, unfortunately, they also come from all over.
And we all have one thing in common. We know that life is dynamic, not static, and that we're imperfect, not perfect.
And, because of this, we want to learn, change and grow, both individually and together. It can be done. Knowing this, knowing that it can be done, is exactly what makes The Dark Triad so nervous. Hence their dependency on Divide and Conquer.
But, since no one can live without Power, what is the difference between us and them?
One way to answer that question would be to say that ours is a Spiritual Power and theirs is a Political Power.
Another way of putting it would be to say that ours is a knowledged-based power and theirs is a power-based ideology.
Yet another way would be to say that ours satisfies the human Drive Toward Reality and theirs the Drive Toward Orientation.
The elite's hatred is annoying, since no one needs their approval, and their stupidity is depressing. But, more importantly, far more so, is that their incompetence and fanaticism makes their power dangerous. And they do have power - lots of it. And the reason their power is so dangerous is, as we’ve said before, they don't know what they are doing and they don’t care. All that matters to them is that they are doing it and who they are doing it to - us.
Note: Of course, strictly speaking, when it comes to destruction they know exactly what they are doing and who they are doing it to. But, beyond that, their fanaticism and the mob hysteria that surrounds it all inevitably results in a unique kind of incomptenece. That's when it becomes obvious that, yeah, they don't know what they're doing and don't care, yet, still think we should envy them.
But we do want to know what we are doing because we do care.
We do not need their approval to love ourselves for who we are as we go in search of answers to the problems we are facing now.
White Supremacy? WTF?
WTF? Indeed. After all, Identity Politics is the dominant ideology in the West today. Even The CCP has used it against its own practioners in the West, when it's convenient for them that is. The only Western-friendly country that has had a good laugh making fun of Identity Politics is Japan (its people, not its government).
For the practitioners in the West the word Identity, when it doesn't have to do with Gender and Sexual Orientation, is about Race!
Hence, Critical Race Theory. They are the ones making demands. Above all, they are the ones with the power to effectuate their demands. And what are they? As we've already said, they are the demands to be placed above criticism, valued unconditionally and blindly obeyed. Well, at least they're not asking for much.
And it's because they are the ones with the power to effectuate their insane demands that they're able to indulge with impunity in the most hate-filled form of cultural aggression in the world today. Nothing whites have ever done measures this level of hate.
And, of course, whites are expected to just shut up and take it. The second they object they get guilt-bombed immediately. This is known as moral reversal or projection, which involves blaming the accused for what the accuser has actually done. In short, those protected by Identity Politics are the only real supremacists. After all, Cancel Culture and Identity Politics go together for a reason.
Which is why when those victimized by antiwhite hatred are able to articulate their grievance the conversation gets shut down.
So, White Supremacy? Please. More like Woke Supreamcy!
But, in spite of these obvious facts, Nursing Home escapee and President, Joe "Life Alert Bracelet" Biden, has said that the greatest threat facing the United States is White Supremacy. A term, of course, he didn't even bother to define. Probably because if he did he'd have to include himself and his entire white base.
His VP, who he calls the President, Kamala "Amber Alert" Harris has said the same thing. This is why I call them The Alert Twins.
In any event, this is an insane Old Testament-like blood libel. If Americans don’t stand up to this now they will become the 21st century version of the 20th century Kulaks* and Christians in Russia. Remember them? Ah, that’s right. There are no movies about them. Gee, wonder why. Could it be, as Solzhenitysn said:
“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the ‘Russian Revolution.’ It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.”
*Listen to the discussion of the word Kulak from 1:20:26 to 1:22:02. It was inverted and deflected away from some of the very people who were behind the violent and murderous Bolshevik revolution and used to describe the victims of that revolution as if they were the enemies of Russia! Talk about victim-blaming. Not surprisingly, the ethnic descendents of that revolution mentioned in the above quote are doing the exact same thing today in the United States with the phrase White Supremacy, when obviously they are the only real supremacists, and, whatever they are, they aren't White.
Whites are not a threat to the country. They built the country and have nothing to apologize for, to anyone. It's true that some are seen as a threat to the elite’s lust for permanent power. That’s all.
But, apparently, that’s enough. At least as far as the elite are concerned. Either way, this is an impossible situation. Though I’d love to be wrong, it’s hard to see how this could end well. On the other hand, it’s also true that you get what you put up with.
And, it has to be said, whites seem to be willing to put up with just about anything, including attacks on their own families. Again, this is why learning about scapegoats is so helpful.
Because scapegoated children have no choice. The choice-making ability is taken from them in the act of scapegoating.
That's one reason, among many, why it's so awful. Now, strictly speaking, they can still choose, of course. That's not the point.
The point is that the choice-making ability is damaged, severely damaged, when a child is scapegoated. So it might as well have been taken from them. Because their choice-making ability mirrors the choices made on their behalf by the scapegoater. Which is not just the shaming parent, but the entire family.
Again, children don't know what normal is. They only know what they are being taught, or taught, as the case may be. And this is exactly what is happening to white children everywhere in the West today. They are being converted into the world's first global scapegoat by the hostile elite, their useful idiots, and paid proxies.
Why would anyone permit their children to be subjected to this? Out of fear of being called a racist? They're calling you that anyway. Whatever reason they give the result is always the same.
The parents are seen as fearing the hostile elite, et al. more than they love their own chidlren. The elite knows this, and loves it. Of course! That's why they do it. Their proxies love it too. The useful idiots, who are also targets and have zero self-respect, are basically feeding the aligator until it's their turn to be eaten alive.
Or, to be more precise, until it's their children's turn to be eaten alive. They are the ones who are going to have to pay, in some cases with their lives, for their parents opportunism, cowardice and insouciance. The children of today's useful idiots could go to the Left of Stalin and it won't save them. They'll still be seen as white. Just as Germans are still seen as Nazis by the hostile elite.
The point is, whites have no institutional power or cultural control. So, it’s hard to see in what way they constitute a threat.
But that doesn't mean they're not seen as one by a paranoid, overreactive, hypocritical elite, and that the elite won't respond accordingly, ie; use their power to crush their enemy - for good.
Especially when one considers the fact that, to evoke the spirit of Machiavelli, only the armed prevail. And though many whites have guns, they're not organized, as are their rulers, who have control over a military that they wouldn't hesitate to use should whites consider organizing, even if only to defend themselves.
Note: Speaking of Machiavelli, it's worth pointing out that he said in his Discourses that popular government is more desirable than tyranny because it's less cruel and more inspiring. This would explain why the Super Tyranny now in control wants to crush any populist movement that could challenge it's stranglehold on power and replace that tyranny with a more democratic form of government by inspiring people to recover what that evil tyranny has taken from them - their freedom.
So, again, it's hard to see in what way whites constitute a threat.
But, this is the age of unreason, so the elite are a little short on reasonable answers, and even shorter on sympathy, even though they are the ones who are obviously causing all of the pain.
So, what can we do? Anything? We’ve asked this question before and we’ll ask it again. Because this time the issues are that much clearer and the need for an answer even more urgent.
And, as we said in Part I, as long as we have breath in us, we should search for answers that might help us solve our problems.
Situation - People - Problem - Tools
To do this at all well we need to have a clue regarding the problem-solving process itself. One useful approach mentioned in Part III is to know as much as one can about the situation, the people involved, the problem at hand, and the tools that the people in that situation are using to solve that problem.
At PRC we refer to this as Situational Thinking and our use of this phrase is somewhat different and goes a bit deeper than most.
The purpose of our use of the word situation here is to develop a richer comprehension of the word Culture. Culture, in this sense, refers to any humanly created situation in which we find ourselves, from which we emerge, and which guides, directs and controls what we think and do, and which can even provide a framework for innovation, invention and cultural transcendence.
And cultural transcendence, of course, is our basic aim. Since cultural directions, sooner or later, out live their usefulness.
Hence, The Age of Explanatory Collapse we're living in now.
We can hardly go into a detailed analysis of this approach right now, and we don’t need to. It’s enough that we mention it here as an approach (though an extraordinarily useful one) before continuing with the rest of the entry and bringing it to a close.
The focus of this entry has been on theory for obvious reasons.
But those who write, teach and talk about CRT and support it being taught in schools and universities, obviously don't know what a theory is. If they did, they wouldn't call it the truth.
But they do. The only time they seem to mention it as a theory is when they respond sarcastically with that shaming parent tone of voice of theirs to remind their critics that It's just a theory.
The obvious response to which would be, Well, if it is, why don't you use it as a theory? Why are you calling it the truth? Don't you realize how dishonest and incomptent it makes you look?
But, as we said at the beginning of this entry in Part I, the funny thing about CRT is that it calls itself the truth, when the truth is, it isn't even a theory. It's just a mode of indoctrination. And the point of all indoctrination is to militarize response. Meaning, there is one and only one appropriate response. The consequence of this is that it renders response itself - maladaptive. Of course!
Because those involved are unwilling and unable (after a while, same thing) to properly identify the situation they are in, the people involved, the problem they are all confronted with, and the tools they need to use to solve the problem of that situation.
Which means, they don't even understand the culture they are criticizing. It's exactly this that leads to explanatory collapse.
We'll take a deeper look at this in our next entry on High Culture and offer a solution* in the entry after that on Romanticism. For now, we'll relate the phenomenon of explanatory collapse to CRT.
*Actually, we're already offered a solution, which is PRC International itself.
Life is impossible without Explanation. If Language functions by coordinating behavior, then Exlanation functions by organizing our transactions with the world. Because verbal behavior is for human beings species-specific, to the extent human beings use explanation inadequately they render themselves maladaptive.
Right now, Critical Race Theory is one of the most well-known modes of explanation in the English speaking world and beyond.
It is also the most inept, incompetent and inadequate. Principally because it is poorly reasoned, poorly written, and poorly argued.
To put it bluntly, Critical Race Theory is pseudo-intellectual, anti-social, and amoral. For these reasons CRT will go down as the single greatest scam in the history of education - anywhere.
Because it is itself a product of cultural impoverishment, it is reinforcing that impoverishment, thereby accelarating our inability to respond adequately to our environment. Which is the one thing human beings must do if they are to survive - respond.
Because Identity Politics, Cancel Culture and CRT are all deliberately and maliciouisly prohibiting the intellectual growth of the students and faculty of our teaching-learning institutions, a growth necessary for sustaining those institutions, and because those institutions themselves are the adapatational mechanisms of a civilization more complex and unpredictable than ever before, CRT and the rest constitute a threat to human survival.
In short, Identity Politics, Cancel Culture and CRT all maladaptive. Why? Because they are anti-perspective, anti-learning, anti-self-awareness, anti-flexibility and anti-growth.
In short, as we said in Part I, they're all anti-reality.
Lacking any self-awareness (or humility) they can't see that, far from owning the truth, all they have is all that anyone of us has or can offer the world - an explanation. If they were real educators and scholars they would know at least something about the conditions of Explanation and the history of Explanation and its relationship to Human Behavior. Knowing that they would know that the best explanations are open-ended, from top (theory) to bottom (data). Both theory and data, or explanation and behavior, make up reality, the real world, where all of us live, the place where, if we can manage it, we find our freedom and comfort.
But we're living in The Age of Explanatory Collapse. So freedom and comfort are hard to come by, let alone manage.
The hostile elite's response to this reality is both self-serving and maladaptive. And that's why they are a threat to our survival.
I first came across the term explanatory collapse over 30 years ago when I started reading Peckham. He's the originator of the term and the only one I know of who has properly explained it.
So, when the Internet came along, the first thing I did was visit websites the elite deemed inappropriate, because they attacked whatever the elite considered sacred and therefore, off limits.
These sites and blogs were, and are, run by responsible professionals and amatuers* with courage, honesty and intelligence. It was, and remains, a pleasure and an honor to participate in their comment sections (some of which, unfortunately, have been taken down as a result of elite harrassment, ie; fear) and even correspond with them.
*We'll have more to say about the value of amateurization in our next entry. For now, we'll simply point out the fact that virtually all of the major contributions to European culture have been made by people we would today call amateurs, not by what we mean today by professionals. Darwin, for example, was not a professional biologist but an old-fashioned English naturalist. In short, an amateur.
So, I was very pleased when some of the same ideas, and even exact words and phrases of mine, as well as those of Peckham's that I had been using in my comments and correspondences with them, began to appear in their articles and comment sections. In the end, it's all about being relevant and useful. But it's hard to be either relevant or useful without being thoughtful and honest.
But, of course, things like courage, honesty, intelligence, integrity and responsibility are all considered by the hostile elite today as evidence of extremism. When, in fact, the accusation is evidence of their projection. Now they are demanding, not only that we believe their lies, but that we call those lies the truth. No thanks.
So, what answer can one give?
The answer of Solzhenitsyn: To Not Live by Lies.
White Supremacy a threat to the United States? On the contrary, the hostile elite is a threat to human survival! As is CRT. Not in and of itself. Of course not. But in as much as it is a part of a group of narratives used by the hostile elite to support and feed into their one overriding explanatory system that is based on lies.
In fact, CRT's threat to everyone is the only thing that's real about it. And that is why it's the greatest scam in educational history.
After all, education is supposed to be about bringing out the best in us. How is that accomplished by imposing a social order of blind obedience to the authority of a hostile elite whose idea of exercising power is to get its designated scapegoat to hate itself?
As I said before, half-jokingly, the alternative to CRT is PRC. Only problem is, CRT is everywhere now and PRC isn’t, though, that’s ok with me. More than ok, in fact. Not that CRT is everywhere, but that PRC isn’t. Why should it be? I'm here, at the bottom of the world, writing in this Journal. And that is more than ok with me. Alienation might be difficult, dangerous and exhausting, and it is all of that and more. But I accept it cheerfully and without hesitation. Now more than ever.
Still, one does want to participate and one can. It’s only that I have no expectations that I’ll attract a lot of attention in the way I participate. I write, share what I write, and let it go at that. So, what can I write here to help bring this entry to a close?
Well, for now I can share some key terms that will help us understand the nature of the investigation into this, or any problem, and that will help us in our search for answers that are hopefully more adequate, more reliable and more satisfactory.
Inherent Instability - Data Accumulation - Increased Reliability
Given what we know about language and behavior,* it’s very arrogant and condescending to call our interpretations truths.
*I say we out of politeness.
So, I don’t. I call them what they are - interpretations. We live in an interpreted world and those interpretations are dictated by our interests. To the extent we don’t know this, but call our interpretations truths, we are cut off from exactly what it is that makes us fully human and so, we don’t know who we are. This explains the impossibly absurd situation CRT practitioners, et al. put themselves in whenever they call their theory the truth.
But, the important thing is the situation they’re putting others in.
Lacking any self-awareness, they don’t see how silly they look.
Which explains why they take themselves so seriously and demand that we do too. And that is simply asking too much.
I know that my life doesn’t matter to them, and I know why. They’ve gone out of their way to make that perfectly clear for years. As long as I can remember, in fact. But my answer to that is, simply, So what? My life matters to me, and that’s enough.
Why should I ever think that my life matters to you, since you have also made it clear that you have no empathy or shame?
Since PRC is about asking questions, and since I don’t claim to be speaking for anyone else, nor have they asked me to, I’ll ask the hostile elite, Identity Politics, and the CRT mob this question:
Exactly how long have you been suffering from the delusion that I need or want your approval for what I do, or for who I am?
And, by the way, a word on Whites are the cancer of the human race and Treason against whiteness is loyalty to humanity.
Who talks like that? Really. Not just about whites, but about anyone. The truly guilty and hateful, of course. I mean, if you are the cancer of the human race and if your lying is central to that cancer, then of course you’re going to blame someone else!
So then, you are the caner of the human race!
Treason against you is loyalty to humanity!
After all, what could be more cancerous and treasonous than the Ford Foundation, the Gates Foundation, the Harvard Endowment, etc. pretending to be charities and using their tax-exemption to undemocratically change the country in the name of Democracy?
AOC has the gall to wear a dress that says Tax The Rich, but doesn't say a word about these foundations that pay zero tax?!
These Left-wing billionaires, their useful idiots and paid proxies, don't want to lift up the American worker, they want to destroy them and, to add insult to injury, make them pay for it all!
So then, they are the privileged! They are the real supremacists!
Everything else is just deflection, projection, and denial.
Hundreds of billions in ill-gotten wealth that serves as a tax haven for them and what do they do with it? Well, in part, they fund Critical Race Theory. In other words, they fund Race Hate!
While making hate speech laws to Save Our Democracy!
And that's why they are the real cancer of the human race.
That's why, treason against them is loyalty to humanity!
How do ya like them apples? Who the fuck do you think you are?
I am not responsible for the suffering of this world. I have a right to my own life. And if I don’t get it I'm going to do something about it, and I have. I made my way to the bottom of the world to
become who I am and to experience for myself the two things that matter most in life, love and work - and I did. Good for me!
I came to Argentina with $600, started teaching English and over time converted those classes into an educational consultancy, used the money to pay for studio time to reccord my own songs and satisfy a dream to return to NYC to record with a musical hero from early adulthood (Mick Rossi) who at the time was performing with another musical hero from my childhood (Paul Simon), returned to Argentina, married the love of my life and retired at 56, eventually moving into a little house in a tiny village at the foot of the Andes. So, Good for me and Fuck You!
I'm a Family Scapegoat Survivor. I survived them and all of that. So, I can survive you. In fact, I've survived both. It took a lifetime to do it, but I did it, and here I am today writing this.
They told me I was the problem and to get help and I did and found out about them, not just me. You told me we were the problem and were beyond help. But I had my doubts and found out about you and the fact that you were lying even more than they were. And, of course, neither one of you want to know what I know. But what does that matter to me? Why should it matter to me? What matters to me is that I know! Either way, I survived.
Again, it took a lifetime, but I did it and I've never felt better about being who I am. So, again, Good for Me and Fuck You!
I neither need or want your approval. Nothing any of you have ever said or done to me has made me hate myself for who I am.
My family is another story. They did succeed for a time in making me hate myself. But they didn't completely succeed. Life rewards you for hanging in there and for the way you hang in there. The best way for me to do that is through some kind of recovery. A recovery that doesn't always come in the way one might think. But, if you hang in there and are open to it, it comes.
It came to me and here we are. If I can survive them, I can survive anything and I've survived you. You're nothing to me.
And I owe you nothing! I’m not interested in you, because you are not interesting to me. I don’t take advice from people I don’t want to be like. And I definitely don't want to be like someone who lives out of The Dark Triad and demands that everyone in the world believe in their impossible to believe in Myth Of Innocence. The myth that says, We never do anything wrong. Things are done to us. Anyone who thinks like that is incapable of learning, change, and growth. That's why such people are so dangerous whenever they're in power, like they are now.
White Supremacy? Please! You'd be hard-pressed to find White Self-Respect.* But, of course, that's exactly what the hostile elite means by White Supremacy. Because they're so doped in hate they don't want any white person to love themselves at all - ever.
*You'll find it here with me. That's for sure.
Fuck them! Just say No! and love yourself anyway. But I'll tell you this, if whites had any political power, (which they don't, thereby once again refuting the absurd claim of White Supremacy itself), they'd be wise to use that power to immediately seize the assests of the foundations and endowments, then turn around and tax those assests, and give the money to those who have had their lives destroyed by the insane and hate-filled agenda of the only real privileged supremacists that the world has ever known!
If they or anyone else were to ask me, By what authority do you speak? What right do you have to be heard? Here's my answer:
The right of anyone whose life has been uprooted, torn apart and nearly ruined beyond recovery, by having been scapegoated. And now that you're scapegoating all of us, the scapegoat's answer is more relevant than ever. It's time you face the Scapegoat's Justice.
Especially since you created the Scapegoat in the first place. In short, my authority is the authority of anyone who knows what kind of people you are from their own extensive experience. In other words, my authority is that of a Family Scapegoat Survivor.
The irony is, I was judged and treated harshly for not fitting into something that doesn't even exist anymore. That's true of both the family and the country. They don't exist anymore. But I do.
Rounding The Clubhouse Turn
The older I get the less interested I am in anyone's opinion, including my own, about anything. What I am interested in is how the mind works, in how it works well, and what happens when it doesn’t. And that has to do with interpretation. Why?
Because there are no truths. Of course! How could there possibly be something like truth when we live in an interpreted world?
No. I want to understand interpretation. And now we arrive at the heart of the matter, though we have touched on it before. There is a general theory of relativity. But, there is no general theory of interpretation. So, there can be no general theory of historical interpretation. So, there can be no absolute historical truth that we can then use to pass absolute and final judgment, on anyone! Let me put it this way, so there’s no misunderstanding, at all.
A theory of historical interpretation depends on a theory of interpretation. A theory of interpretation depends on a theory of meaning. A theory of meaning depends on a theory of language. A theory of language depends on a theory of behavior. A theory of behavior depends on a theory of explanation. And a theory of explanation would explain Human Behavior.
At a time in human history more complex and unpredictable than ever before, a time made even more complex and unpredictable by the fact that we are living in The Age of Explanatory Collapse, the efforts of a hostile elite to prohibit us from explaining behavior is rendering the human species maladaptive.
Of course, since you can hardly understand anything without an explanation. Something you would think that people who prate about the truth would know. But, as we’ve made as clear as we can in this entry, they don’t. In fact, they don’t have a clue. They are literally clueless. And yet they talk as if they own the truth. In a word, they’re insane. So, that being the case, first things first.
They have to get well. Then, they have to address the word theory in relation to history, language, behavior, etc. as stated above.
Then they have to remove the magical thinking found in CRT and replace it with something more reliable, sober, and adult. Then, and only then, will we reconsider the matter of CRT. Because, as they are using the word now, their theory is not a theory at all.
In other words, it's laughable. Which is fitting, being as it is the product of clowns. And what's the appropriate response to a clown? To smile and laugh. So, in that sense, we should be grateful to CRT. But only in that sense. Because the moment these clowns demand that you take them seriously, that's it.
This is a Journal on culture and behavior, the former emanating from the latter. One thing that’s obvious upon any examination of any culture and the behavior within that culture, is that there is no single causal force to anything. Though some particular causal force might stand out at certain periods of history more than others or, to be more precise, receive more attention from us at some times more than others, there can not possibly be a single causal force, such as race or racism, etc.
So, what can we do about that?
First, we can refer back quickly to what we said above about Culture and Situational Thinking and offer what we consider to be a very strong and valuable proposition that the reader is welcome to test from their own observations and experiences.
Because human behavior (human nature) is the relative constant in any cultural situation, it can not be appealed to - in isolation - to explain the diversity of human experience!
We then have to recognize the inherent instability of our words, ideas, constructs and theories, and accumulate as much data as we can so as to increase the reliability of the theories we use.
Inherent Instability - Data Accumulation - Increased Reliability
The point is, we should be able to survive this problem-solving process, which is what it is, and do so without falling apart. Why?
We said earlier that one thing humans can’t avoid is making sense out of the world, for that gives us what stability we are capable of, or can possibly manage. But there’s something else we can’t help doing. Humans can not help innovating. And you can scarcely innovate without problem-solving. And that was all that was ever meant by the term High Culture - high level problem-solving and significant innovation. It’s important to humans because it is essential to our survival. If, for whatever reason, it is not important to us, then, to that extent, we won’t survive.
Now that’s, as they say, a bold claim. So, is it true? But that’s the wrong question. We’re not interested in the truth. We’re interested in what works. And you can’t possibly know if something works unless you test it and use it in the real world.
And you can not test a theory if, in fact, it is not a theory. And if it is not a theory, as Critical Race Theory certainly isn’t, then you can’t call it the truth. If you do, then you are lying - to everyone.
But, especially, to the students whose learning you - as teachers - are responsible for. You shouldn’t have to have someone writing at the bottom of the world explain this to you. Not that they’re reading this, of course. But, well, you get the idea.
Well, we’ve come a long way together with this one folks. We started off by pointing out that CRT isn't even a theory, we gave a bit of background having to do with the difference between Exemplification and Explanation, made a distinction between Dogma vs Pragma, letting you know that CRT and even those who object to it are two sides of Dogma while letting you know that we here at PRC are firmly on the side of Pragma and see that as the intelligent alternative to the verbal cancer that is Critical Race Theory (and all Critical Theory). We then went into detail regarding three perspectives, Western History, US History and the History of the University in the 20th century, and followed that with a discussion about Cultural Impoverishment and The University itself in relation to both Dogma and Pragma. We then gave our take on the elite's real agenda and coined the phrase Collapsing Narrative Network, and are now in the process of wrapping things up with some Closing Remarks about it all.
But arguably, and ironically, one of the most important things we said was that CRT should not be banned - it should be debated!
Why? Because debate is a theoretical enterprise! That's why.
At times this entry on CRT was fun to write, at times, depressing, and for a reason. Critical Race Theory is depressingly stupid.
Then again, stupidity itself is depressing. Everyone of us the world over has said and done stupid things at times. We're human. But state-mandated stupidity in our teaching-learning institutions? That's not just stupid, that's sick, crazy and stupid!
But watching this extraordinary stupidity and dangerous and maladaptive insanity unfold has had one very salutory effect, at least for some. It has served as a reminder for exactly why Knowledge Is Power, as in a spiritual power.*
*The healthiest, most positive power in the world. A power that anyone would possess if they only could. So what does that say about those who are deliberately and cruelly keeping us from it?