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CRT? WTF? Part I

Updated: Nov 22, 2024

Opening Remarks

Bit Of Background


Cultural Impoverishment

The University

The Elite’s Real Agenda

Collapsing Narrative Network

Closing Remarks

Opening Remarks

The funny thing about Critical Race Theory is that it presents itself as the truth, when the truth is, it isn't even a theory.

How could anything be the truth that's born out of a fear of reality? And the reality is, since we live in an interprepreted world, there is no truth. There's just us and our interpretations.

That's not to say some interpretations aren't better than others.

So then, which ones are? Which ones are better than others?

Well, the ones that help us to live better in reality. And what interpretations help us to live better in reality? The ones we test.

And how do you test an interpretation? You turn it into a theory.

An interpretation and a theory are both causal statements.

Meaning, they both say, X happened because of Y. But, to verify a causal statement you have to test it. And to test a causal statement you have to turn your interpretation into a theory.

To turn your interpretation into a theory you must recast it as a direction-giving statement in an "If...then..." form.

That is, in the form of a prediction which can be responded to by someone doing something in the real world. In other words, by a behavioral performance. But Critical Race Theory doesn't do this.

And it's exactly because CRT doesn't do this that it isn't a theory.

We'll return to the subject of Interpretation itself in Part II. For now the question to ask is, Is CRT's interpretation reliable?*

*Spoiler Alert! It isn't. How could it be when it basically forces, not just students from K-12 to the PhD, not just an entire country, the USA, but an entire civilization, to agree to the false premise of a biased question: Are you saying that whites aren't racist? It's Soviet, only dumber.

Of course, we should follow that with Is our intrepretation reliable? And finally, Can any interpretation by reliable?

But CRT isn't asking questions about interpreation at all. In fact, they seem to be blissfully unaware that such questions even exist.

Or they are aware such questions exist, but are afraid of where they will go, or simply don't care. They're certainly not involved in an inquiry that follows an argument wherever it might lead, the result of which it is impossible to know in advance. Not at all. On the contrary. Before CRT practitioners begin to theorize or teach they already know the truth, which is declared in their faith.

An example can be found in what could be referred to as The Beating Heart of CRT, the truth that All Whites Are Racist. Or Whiteness = Racism. To make Whiteness synonymous with Racism is to do two things. First, it is to hypostatize both words and make them refer to an actual living, breathing entity.

But words can not do this. They can only be used - by us - to refer to categories of perception. In other words, something we can see in the real world! If we can't it's literally unreal.

To be precise, unless the statement All Whites Are Racist is translated into a theory from which an operational construct can be derived and then tested in the real world, the sentence is meaningless in as much as it does not corrrespond to reality.

The key point here that I would like the reader to keep in mind is that CRT consists almost entirely of statements like these. Statements that can not be tested in the real world. It is depressingly easy to show that the language of CRT is unquestioned, unexamined, and unanalyzed, to an extraordinary degree, and it is our job and responsibility to do just that.

Because what is even more depressing is that, even though the assumptions of CRT remain largely unexamined, people nevertheless are still using those assumptions that they call the truth to control their behavior and the behavior of others.

Second, to hypostatize words like Whiteness and Racism for use not just in our teaching-learning institutions, but in all of our social institutions, is of course to conventionalize them. But a convention is just that, a convention, it is not the truth. In fact, and ironically, a convention is more of a theory than CRT is, especially since, as already stated, CRT isn't a theory at all.

So then, maybe we should call CRT Critical Race Faith. That doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. But it's a lot more accurate.

If CRT practioners should, by some unaccountable miracle, happen to stumble across a rational argument, so much the better.

If not, they simply fall back on Revelation. Which in this case means calling you a racist in the name of Saving Our Democracy.

Making an argument for the sole purpose of arriving at a conclusion that is given in advance is not theorizing, it's special pleading, and it's not teaching, it's indoctrination.

So, far from being the result of some fearless search for the truth wherever the truth may lead, CRT's interpretation of the world is an aberration of reason. If it was the truth they wouldn't need to force it on anyone. Nor would they need to make the obnoxious and insane demand to be placed above criticism, or else, while force-feeding their theory on young people who need to be taught, not indoctrinated. What is this? The Old Testament?

Given CRT's dogmatic nature, that's exactly what this is. Especially Deutoronomy. Read that one lately? Holy Shit!

Or, better yet, Holy Religious and Race Hate Batman!

But it's also a theology of emotionalism. That's why it dispenses with argument all together. It's also why, as we'll see later, CRT can't be refuted because it actually sees itself as above having to prove its point. It's Rouseau on steroids, or opiods, or both.

What we are all living through now is nothing less than a full return to superstitious thinking in its most barbaric form.

In short, CRT is symptomatic of a return to barbarism. And by CRT I mean its enforcers, its scribblers, and its supporters.

They're the ones calling it the truth. The fact is, CRT shuns the search for truth like the Devil shuns holy water and Dracula flees from the light of day. And for the same reason. It would kill them.

Even a good theory can do serious damage if that theory is stated in absolute terms, instead of being applied in contemporary conditions having definite limits. Which is exactly what happens whenever a good theory finds itself in the hands of irresponsible scientists.* It does serious damage. But that's not all it does. It also undermines itself and discredits the scientists in question.

*All Marxist scientists from Lysenko to Lewontin. They're all frauds. From this perspective Lewontin's famous nastiness was an obvious but unsuccessful attempt at deflection.

But Critical Race Theory is not even a good theory, because it isn't a theory at all. So then, what is Critical Race Theory?

It's a malicious, anti-human and mind-hostile mode of indoctrination that tells people how to respond in advance to anything having to do with one group of people - Whites.

But don't take my word for it. Simply take the above statement, turn it into a theory, and test it. Apply the above statement to the available information in support of CRT, whether written or spoken, and see if it holds up. If it does, great! If you can convince me it doesn't, no problem, I'll simply revise my theory.

Explanatory Behavior In The West: A Brief History

In the last 3,000 years of Western Civilization in general and the last 500 years of Western Cultural Life in partiular, the movement of Explanation and Social Management, or what is referred to at PRC as The Directions-Performance Complex, has been from Myth, to Metaphysics, to Science. But Critical Race Theory doesn't even fit into those categories. It's not science, it's not metaphysics, and it can't even dignify itself as a myth, except in the perjorative sense of that word.* Intellectually, CRT is nothing more than a weird mix of alchemy, superstition and gossip thrown together by a cabal of hate-driven co- conspirators. In short, it's a pseudo-intellectual antiwhite pogrom.

*Critical Race Theory isn't an explanation of race, it's a mythology of explanation. An explanation, moreover, that is free of any principle of verification. Which is the literal definition of a myth. The problem is that the CRT myth functions as a causal explanation, one that is acceptable to its believers and practitioners not because it's true, but simply because it is satisfying to them. And, apparently, whatever explanation they come up with that is satisfying to them is called the truth. That their causal explanation is being presented in an academic context as a legitimate theory is exactly what accounts for the intellectual fraudulence and educational malpractice behind all Critical Theory, not just CRT. In terms of causality, Critical Theory itself is a derivation of animism - a primitive mode of thinking, or to be more precise a mode of pseudo-causality (as was much of Marx and Freud). The reason for this is that causal explanations such as one finds in all Critical Theory in general and CRT in particular do not link events in the real world; they only link statements about those events.

The best you could say is that Critital Race Theory is an ideology.

But whatever it is it's not a science because it doesn't link experiment and explanation. Which means there's nothing theoretical about it. So it's not a theory. It literally operates independently of, and without reference to, the real world.

Let that sink in.

But, above all, Critical Race Theory is an example of educational malpractice, the worst of its kind. It might be nothing more than a mode of indoctrination, and it's certainly that. But what it really is is a form of narcissistic abuse, psychological invasion, and brainwashing. In other words, CRT is a pathologically conditioned explanatory system masquerading as the truth. Far from wanting to abolish racism, it's merely altering its direction.

This is the point of Nietzsche's masterpiece (they're all masterpieces) Daybreak, that up until now at least, human history has been about replacing one prejudice with another.

In any event, the idea behind CRT is not to impart knowledge and remove ignorance, but to enrage, devitalize, and instill a sense of learned helplessness, like all scapegoating, which is what both Identity Politics and CRT boil down to - scapegoating.*

*I linked to the Wiki entry on scapegoating because, though the opening offers an accurate and useful definition, in the Scapegoat theory of intergroup conflict section it literally and laughably (and predictably) scapegoats whites by subjecting them to an interpretation based on Critical Theory, which, of course, is something all of the groups under the protection of the Identity Politics umbrella are spared. Why is that? Because they are perfect, or because they are powerful? It's because they are powerful, of course, which undermines their theory. How does their theory undermine itself? Because scapegoating is done by the powerful, not the powerless!

So the powerful, who created the economic conditions that were deliberately intended to punish poor whites (when have the hostile elite not been doing that?), then used their power to create a bullshit theory to scapegoat whites, again, by saying that whites were "scapegoating" blacks.

The fact is blacks were long ago weaponzed (used) by the elite against whites who might challenge elite power, exactly because those whites knew what was being done to them.

The same thing is happening now with CRT.

In fact, and again laughably, the Wiki entry undercuts itself in the same section, thereby proving the point being made here, when it states that In management, scapegoating is a known practice in which a lower staff employee (without power) is blamed for the mistakes of senior executives (with power). This is often due to lack of accountability in upper management. Haha! What buffoons! In their anxiety to blame, scapegoat, whites the elite, et al. rarely think very carefully.

It simply makes assertions without offering any proof. And the assertions are really accusations and the accusations are what, to the accusers, count as proof, when, in fact, proof is what happens in the real world. To qualify as a theory their theory would have to be tested. But, of course, it never is. Also, if it was a theory it wouldn’t begin with what it should end with, and it certainly wouldn't use emotions as evidence and accusations as proof.

So then, if Critical Race Theory isn’t even what it calls itself, why does it call itself Critical Race Theory? Because if it called itself Critical Race Truth it'd be the laughing stock of even American universities. Even CRT's practitioners and promoters know that no one would take it seriously if it didn’t at least sound academic and not like yet another crank pseudoscience, which is what it is.

In short, it’s just a marketing ploy. More a deposit of Madison Avenue advertising and not at all a product of Higher Learning.

How could it be when it’s just a mode of indoctrination? A form of political propaganda designed to promote real hate* and provoke a justifiable reaction so that they can then, of course, gaslight, victim-blame and justify violence against their target.

*As opposed to the phoney hate they're always accusing their enemies of. Enemies being anyone who doesn't want their lives and the lives of their children to be controlled and ultimately destroyed by a conspiratorial cabal of pathological liars and power-hungry psychopaths.

Just as Marx and Marxists pretended to want the happiness of the working poor, when what they really wanted was the unhappiness of the bourgeois, so too does the Hostile Elite and Woke Inc. pretend to want the happiness of what they nauseatingly and pretentiously refer to as people of color, when what they really want is the unhappiness of whites. CRT is tailor-made for this.

So, it isn't just about the incomprehensible yammerings of a bunch of mental midgets with an axe to grind. It's the atmosphere of division and rancor that surrounds it all. The whole thing is just so pathetic and juvenile (like using uppercase for black and lowercase for white). And to say that outloud is to set the whole sick and vicious cycle in motion again. Which is the point.

It’s precisely here that one finds the source of that feeling of fraudulence in the writing and teaching of Critical Race Theory.

Who wants to be subjected to a fraud masquerading as the truth?

Especially if it’s designed to make you feel less than human. Worse, especially if it’s designed to target you for violence.

And not just you, but your family and children as well. But, this is not to say that the host population, or intended target, whites, are entirely innocent, though the children certainly are, of course.

In fact, it’s as if the host populations of the Western world in general and the USA in particular (for that is where our focus will be) had collectively turned their backs on their own institutions of higher learning because they were convinced it had nothing to do with what they really cared about, making money and getting ahead, only to discover that, not just those institutions, but all of our social institutions, had been taken over by a mob of intellectual charlatans and power-hungry buffoons who were now holding those they’re responsible for hostage, and not just them, but the entire country, or at least anyone not willing to submit.

But worse than this can be said of the American people in regard to public education in general and higher education in particular.

And no, I'm not just referring to that famous anti-intellectualism in American life, but something much worse. Anti-Elitism. Or, anti-Excellence regarding the life of the mind and world of ideas.

It's also hypocritical. Because most Americans certainly never had a problem with elitism when it came to things like Sports, Entertainment and, of course, making money and getting ahead.

But, the reason it was really bad for Americans is because it deprived them of the habit of mind they would need when it came to the kind of problem-solving, creativity and innovation they would have to engage in to meet the demands of the civilization that they were inheriting. A habit of mind that could only be acquired thru higher education, itself the product of high culture.

Note: All of this would explain why, whether out of insouciance, stupidity or cowardice, most Americans did nothing while the hostile elite, their useful idiots, and paid proxies, all worked tirelessly over the last 50+ years in American universities and public schools to replace emotional detachment and intellectual insight with ignorant hatred and emotional hysteria, while their invented facts supported false narratives and a laughably stupid but absolutely tyrannical explanatory system.

I'll go a bit more into the subject of high culture and offer an explanation of what I mean by the term later on in this entry and in our next entry in this series titled High Culture? WTF?

For now, however, the point is that high culture was rejected by the Ameican people thoughout the 20th century, Right, Left and Center, middle and working-class, as Elitist! They were the original snowflakes. And boy, oh boy, are they ever paying now.

That's why not just CRT but its detractors aren't asking questions about interpretation either. And, though they seem to grasp the situation, they totally miss the point. Which is, we're pretty much all products of a cultural impoverishment that's holding so many hostage. In fact, and while we're on the subject, that's why I created PRC International. Having barely escaped cultural impoverishment by coming to recognize the value of High Culture I wanted to keep it alive in myself by extending the benefits to others. Otherwise I would have only been holding myself hostage out of fear of being different from everyone else.

Speaking of being held hostage, Critical Race Theory reminds one of the Federal Reserve Bank. Just as the Federal Reserve Bank isn’t Federal, it’s not a Reserve and it isn’t a Bank, so too Critical Race Theory is not actually Critical, it’s not really about Race, and it definitely isn’t a Theory. In other words, CRT is to the intellect what the Federal Reserve Bank is to money. Fake.

It’s as if it was created out of thin air and by the same people. Of course, the knee jerk reaction to this is to climb onto the highest horse one can find and shout Conspiracy Theory! But that only proves that such people have no idea what a theory is or does.

By not actually Critical is meant that the criticism used is not theoretical. And it’s not really about Race, it’s about power.

Also, and even more damaging, it definitely isn’t a Theory because, based on its own use of language, not only can it not be falsified, but, worse, it can’t even be proven, because it’s not predictive. And it’s not predictive because none of its statements are turned into theories capable of being tested in the real world.

And, of course, it isn’t tested for a reason, and the reason is that if it was tested the whole thing would simply collapse on itself.

That being the case, how reliable can CRT’s claims actually be when none of them are based in reality? And, to the extent they are, they depart so much from that reality as to be self-refuting.

But, since CRT practioners in academia, publishing, the legal system, etc. call their beliefs the truth they don't believe in refutation. So, as I said before, they can't be refuted. They see themselves as God, as omnipotent. So, in their eyes they can do no wrong. Which means of course that they can never be wrong.

And if they ever are wrong, which obviously is more often than not with anyone who actually believes they're always right, and if you see it, say it, and tell them why, guess what that makes you.

It makes you a racist, sexist, antisemitic, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic, xenophobic, nativist, far-Right White Supremacist Neo-Nazi, who deserves to be jailed, killed or both.

How progressive.

Note: All of the above listed terms racist, sexist, antisemitic, etc. are metaphysical pseudo-entities in the sense that they are said by those who use them to have an existence of their own that explains the conditions of all whites. In other words, it's a form magical thinking - in adults and educators.

So, if you're white, they're always right and you're always wrong, even if they're white! You follow? Yeah, me either. What morons.

And speaking of pathetic, juvenile and moronic, look at how they intentionally blur the line between curriculum and pedagogy. Or, what is taught and how it's taught. That way they can say they're not teaching CRT while infusing it in everything they do teach.

Not surprisingly, whenever challenged on this, or anything for that matter, all they have are the usual hate-filled ad hominems. Or, what I like to refer to as Denunciation without Refutation.

But what's really interesting and important, but rarely if ever discussed, is that though the whole Woke mob that subsumes CRT is aggressively, even obnoxiously anti-religion, or, well, anti-Christian, their use of language follows the exact same pattern of any religious mythology, which is what Christiantity is.

And how does language function in a religious mythology?

Well, let's take the word Christ. For any believing Christian the word Christ has three discernible attributes. As a word it is,

1. Sacred

2. Absolute

3. Redemptive

It's sacredness means it deserves veneration and embodies the law, and as such is absolutely true, and will redeem the believer.

Since the weird and creepy First Church of Woke cult has made itself God those three attributes blend indecipherably into each other in virtually all of the vocabulary they use. The only difference is that there is no redemption for the heretic. The heretic being anyone who refuses to obey their every word or be as impressed with them as they obviously are with themselves, in spite of the fact that they are so aggressively unimpressive.

The key point here is that there is no real difference between religious mythology and ideological mythology when it comes to Explanation and Behavior. As anyone can see who cares to look the consequences are immense. Because explanation controls our transactions with the world. So, if a power center demands that its explanation of the world be placed above criticism, that explanation can never be corrected, but only continously applied by force. A force that if constantly applied leads to cultural impoverishment and a corresponding societal collapse that ultimately undermines the power of the elite applying the force.

And the hostile elite now in power are nothing if not forceful, exactly because they're so hateful, pretentious and incompetent.

Note: If this is the future of the United States it's hard to see how the United States has a future.

Their overall objective is to be placed above criticism, forever. Oh, that and loved unconditionally and blindly obeyed. So, refutation? Are you kidding? They can't be refuted, remember?

Disparate Impact - RIP The Rule of Law

Which means they don't have to prove anything. If you want to see an example of this just consider what they refer to as Disparate Impact. Judges who believe in CRT don't believe in the law, they just use it. This is what is meant by Judicial Activism. They're not there to uphold the law, they are there to overthrow it.

Of course, if the law was truly unjust they wouldn't be there in the first place. But they are there, as activist judges. Which means they interpret the law not as the outgrowth of precedent, but according to certain results desired by the interpreter.*

*Of course, the tendency of US courts to assume by judicial decisions the function of legislative bodies started with Brandeis. For this reason his appointment to the Supreme Court was, in part, the beginning of the end of that country and certainly one of the darkest days of its history.

In short, they are there to overthrow the law. And one of the things they use as activists to do just that is Disparate Impact.

Disparate Impact says, that if the number of people effected by the law doesn't represent their numbers in the general population, then the law has no currency and should be thrown out. Period.

A better example of Quantity (of people) over Quality (of law) would be impossible to imgaine.

So, if Latinos are 20% of the population, but are being deported more than their numbers, or, if blacks are 12% of the population, but are incarcerated more than their numbers, then there just has to be implicit racism, which the judge doesn't even have to prove!


To the extent this kind of thinking invades our social institutions it will destroy them - all of them, from the very top to the absolute bottom. Not because I say so. But because, sooner or later, reality always wins. And CRT is, at its core, anti-reality.

So, since it’s not a theory, CRT is a misnomer. A misnomer, moreover, that in this case, reveals its intellectual pretension.

But, that it’s an example of obscurantism exposes its deceit.

That it’s not a theory, or an analytical tool, or intellectual construct, makes it obvious that CRT is nothing more than a political weapon used to silence and crush its enemies. So, it doesn’t even have to make sense. It just has to do the job.

Can you imagine being so completely lost that you actually convince yourself that what doesn’t make sense is the truth?

The two main reasons for why the elite is doing this is, one, Divide and Conquer, two, CRT serves a larger agenda. We’ll take a look at that larger agenda later. But, before continuing, it’s worth mentioning another related reason why the elite is doing this. They truly hate CRT’s intended target. Obviously. You certainly wouldn’t do this to someone you loved and respected.

Then again, they don’t love and respect those they claim to be helping, or whose cause they support. They’re just using them.

Which is itself racist, of course! After all, what could be more racist than using another race to win a class war?

And not only is the hostile elite and their useful idiots using both their proxies and their enemies as a means to an end - power - they're also using both as a source of narcissistic supply and corresponding addiction to mood-altering through self-righteousness. That they’re forcing this on the public while lecturing them to keep an open mind just goes to show how intellectually perverse and morally bankrupt they really are.

Not to mention malevolent. No wonder so many in the general public are outraged by all of this. Just as it’s no surprise that the response of the hostile elite has been to gaslight the public.

Which is an odd response coming from anyone convinced that what they are saying is true. One would think they would offer a demonstration as to why what they’re saying is true, instead of engaging in adolescent passive/aggressive ad hominem attacks whenever they’re questioned about their systemic indoctrination.

Then again, what else can one expect from a mob of posers?

By the way, anyone forced to admit they have privilege, doesn’t.

White Privilege? WTF?

Privilege. Please. They're the last hired and the first fired. The white working-class are dying deaths of despair by the tens of thousands each year thanks to an opiod epidemic manufactured by Big Pharma billionaires which the media deliberately ignores while sadistically gloating about their replacement. Privilege.*

Funny, I thought the only real privilege in the United States was the privilege of freedom that is for all Americans. So, as it turns out, whites aren't the real target, freedom itself is - for everyone.

* In the words of my old friend Vinnie Boombatz, I gotchyer privilege right here.

Privilege is when someone accomplishes something and those who come later benefit. The privileged are the ones who benefit.

But, to truly benefit, you can't just take what's given to you. You have to preserve it. To preserve it you have to do at least two things. You have to value what you have and you have to create beyond it. In other words, you have to understand what you are preserving so that you can properly value it, and to value both it and yourself you have to create beyond what you are preserving.

But what happens when you know you are not capable of understanding, value, and creation? You become resentful. You feel small and worthless. So what do you do to feel better about yourself? Engage in psychological projection and moral reversal.


Well, in part you do it by pitying those that you think are beneath you. Worse, you redirect the anger and resentment that pity always produces in its "beneficiaries" toward those who look like you but are politically powerless. The result? Identity Poilitics.

Identity Politics was always top down. The elite of today inherited Western Civilization. That is to say, they inherited something they didn't create, don't understand, and in the presence of which they cut a poor figure. Worse for them, and not just them, they inherited a civilization that is by far the most complex and unpredictable civilization in human history.

So what did they do with that inheritance?

Well, first, they organized those they have total contempt for (because what is more contemptuous than pity?) and weaponized them against those they really hate. And who do they really hate?

They hate anyone who values Western Civilization, of course.

In other words, the hostile elite hates those who value what they too have inherited, and who want to preserve that inheritance through increased understanding of what they have inherited, as well as a sense of shared value and desire for continuous creation.

This is why they're called the hostile elite. And now we're back to the subject of this entry. Because one of the weapons in their arsenal that they are using today is CRT, and the laughably oversimplified Us Good/Them Bad thinking that goes with it.

Oversimplification and Cultural Impoverishment

An example of this childishly oversimplified thinking can be found in the way CRT practitioners and supporters talk about White people as if they were one body with one head, two arms, two legs and one mind that thinks the same thoughts about everything all of the time. It’s the intellectual equivalent of a child’s drawing of the house they live in that they give to their parents who then put it on the refrigerator door (the parents in this case are their enablers who control our social institutions).

Either everything the child draws is a circle to represent Thingness, or they make everything bigger than the house because they have no sense of scale and proportion.

In short, the thinking behind CRT is childishly cartoonish.

The reason for this, as mentioned above, is because their explanation of the world functions as a religious mythology (minus of course any intellect, moral code or poetic invention).

All of their ideas and constructs are universalized and absolutized. Everything's a priori with them. This might be appropriate behavior for religious fanatics who think like children, but not for adults claiming to be progressive.

The only thing progressive about them is their addiction to words in the forms of beliefs asserted to be the ultimate truth. As well as perfect and final. Any real adult would be embarrassed by this.

Not to mention ashamed. Especially since one obvious two-fold consequence of their childishly oversimplified view of race and reality is cultural impoverishment and societal collapse.

But, as anyone knows who has ever known a fanatic, they aren’t capable of being embarrassed anymore than they are capable of being refuted, or their position falsified. And this is true even when their position is self-refuting and false, as the Woke agenda and CRT obviously are. And therein lies the heart of the matter.

Salvation Systems and The Denial of Reality

Orwell once wrote about the power of facing unpleasant facts, and it is a power. One we should acquire when responding to CRT. Because, the unpleasant fact of the matter is that those determined to accept CRT can not be defeated in the sense that their interpretation of race, and not just race, is under the control of an ideology that resists, or doesn't permit, or is incapable of feedback. It is the interpretational mode of those committed to a final theory of anything. Such ideologies are verbal cancers. And now we're back again to the power of facing unpleasant facts.

Because with the position of an ideological redemptionist, like those who support CRT, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture, it is impossible to argue, just as it is impossible to argue with a racist (same thing), or a true believer of any religion, or nationalism, or a believer in masculine superiority or feminine superiority, or anyone convinced that philosophy is the only way to establish the conditions of truth. Why is it impossible to argue with them?

Because their investment in the interest-bearing certificates of their ideology is simply too great, and the interest rate is too high, for them to allow themselves to be susceptible to any argument.

To put it bluntly, their ideology has become for them their sole source of value and identity because they don't believe in themselves. If they did they would have made themselves their own source of value and saved the world a lot of trouble.

Any Salvation System that claims to be perfect and final is a verbal cancer. So, instead of systemic racism we should be talking about systemic reality-denial. As I’ve said here before, all evil is the result of turning one's back on reality. And by evil is simply meant the denial of value, either of oneself or another.

The elite’s intention is to deny reality while at the same time getting its intended target to deny their own value and identity.

It’s worth mentioning at this point that life without the sense of value and identity (same thing) is, for humans, impossible. This is why child abuse is so awful. But since when have Americans ever cared about their children, and not just Americans? To prove this just try saying Our Children Matter. And, since children don’t come out of nowhere, since they don’t give birth to themselves, but come from families, try saying Families Matter. You can’t. Not in front of the mob. You can’t even say All Lives Matter!

So, that means the lives of the children, and the families they come from, do not matter. And they don't. In fact, and as long as we're on the subject of facing unpleasant facts, here's one for you:

So much for White Privilege. Oh, and White Supremacy too.

No wonder the elite sees whites as pushovers and treats them accordingly. Here's another fact: You get what you put up with!

It’s understandable children put up with it, because children don't know what normal is, they only know what they’re being taught.

And what they are taught, and how they are treated, can last a lifetime. Of course! This is why we should be telling the truth about systemic, multigenerational child abuse and not telling lies about systemic racism. And it is a lie. To prove it just ask this question. What is there in the real world that the words systemic racism locates and informs us about? Do you think it’s a coincidence that they absolutely forbid the asking of such a question? Once again we're back to The Old Testament, or rather, to be more preicse, we've been backed into The Old Testament.

Which is a book Joseph Campbell once accurately described as one filled with a lot of rules and no mercy. You know, like Cancel Culture, Identity Politics and, of course, Critical Race Theory.

Just what we need. We don't need a book of judgment, that is to say, prejudice. Nor do we need to rely exclusively on a book of mercy, one that's only ended in pathological altruism anyway. We need a book of knowledge and wisdom. Or, rather, books plural.

And, of course, we had them, and still have them. It's called the Western Tradition! And that's exactly why the hostile elite and their useful idiots and paid proxies have set out to destroy that tradition by destroying the civilization that created it. And they're doing that by destroying the people associated with it.

And to replace that civilization, tradition and people with what?

What do they care, as long as that civilization and its traditions and people are destroyed? Destruction is what they're all about.

And speaking of which, CRT and the Woke mob are constantly talking about Justice. But only a person who is truthful about themselves can ever be just toward others. And these people don't even know who they are. And they don't want to know.

They don't want you to know either. But they judge others as if they owned the truth. Welcome to Sham World. This is what it means to have fully entered an age of unreason, a new Dark Ages, a hi-tech dystopia run by an hysterical mob of insufferable mediocrities brainsoiled by delusions of grandeur. They don't want justice. What they want is vengence, often for imaginary slights, distortions, exaggerations, or flat out lies. All of which everyone is supposed to automatically believe, or else. It's not merely a return to a primitive sense of justice. It's the imposition of an interpretation of justice masquerading as the truth, but that would more accurately be described as a brain and soul sickness.

The fact of the matter is, justice is a virtue. And, like all virtues, it's rare. That's why you will never find it in those who claim to know the truth when they obviously don't even know themselves.

If they did they would be able to distinguish between group fanaticism and just judgment. And they would know that the difference between the two lies in our ability to face unpleasant facts, especially about ourselves. With that knowledge they might then begin to free themselves from their addiction to mood-altering through self-righteousness, which fuels their fanaticism.

Which brings us to another thing about CRT. The more than human aspect of its elite and followers and their effort to designate its intended target as less than human. Obviously, the idea is to not be more or less than human, but to be fully human, in as much as that is possible for us. And it’s not possible if we are not free to think and feel as we want and not as others tell us.

Such actions are impossible without the freedom of choice. And you can’t develop full humanity by deliberately ignoring the intellectual, social and moral aspects of what it is to be human.

No individual or group has a monopoly on suffering. Though some have a monopoly on complaining and radical ingratitude.

Not to mention exaggerating and even lying about their suffering. And today these sociopathic cry baby liars have pretty much all of the power. That's why they're called The Hostile Elite.

What we need is a dedication to reality, not a massive flight from reality out of fear of what we’ll discover and hatred of the other.

And that is what CRT really is at bottom, a systemic flight from reality that is backed by systemic hatred of the other. This would explain the magical thinking so characteristic of CRT.

So, instead of Critical Race Theory, a better descriptor would be The Magical Theory of Race. This would certainly be more accurate and honest since their approach is characterized by the kind of magical thinking found in children under the age of 10.

Also, since CRT obviously doesn’t demonstrate any real dedication to reality, another more appropriate name instead of Critical Race Theory would be A Conspiracy Theory of Race.

The irony being that, though they hurl the accusation of Conspiracy Theory on others, it actually applies to them, since they have no interest in, or intention of, testing their theory.

This is why the elite’s pretension, deceit, malevolence and childishness is concealed behind the mask of moral superiority when, in fact, it's transparent evidence of moral insanity. That's why they are forcing it on others while rejecting any attempt to question, examine and analyze their own assumptions.

Far from being an intellectualy serious and academically respectable theory of a complex subject offered to the rest of us for our consideration, it's merely a rigidly ideological, highly contentious explanatory system that operates on the level of malicious gossip and pre-modern alchemy. Nothing about it or its practioners could ever be confused with reason. Just the opposite.

That others refuse to accept your position might just be because your position is, in fact, unacceptable, because untenable. If that’s true, what are you going to do? Since your belief is what gives your life meaning, order, value, identity and experience, to have someone prove to you that you’re wrong means your life will become meaningless, valueless, your sense of identity destroyed, and your experience of life illegitimate, because it’s not based in reality. That is, if it’s not based in reality, as CRT clearly isn’t.

But who made this elite believe in their lies?

Who made them call their lies the truth?

No one else is responsible for their faulty interpretation of life in general or other people in particular. They are. Of course!

No wonder they want to destroy civilization while controlling whoever and whatever from that civilization they don’t destroy.

And those they don’t completely destroy they’ll simply ruin by sadistically forcing them into some permanent dystopia where they’ll be reduced to the roles of tax slaves and sex workers.

They’re not called The Hostile Elite for nothing.

Again, I’ll say more about the elite’s real agenda in Part VI. For now, two things are needed. One is a formal demonstration of Critical Race Theory. What is it? What is its function? And, What is it being used for? The other is an alternative capable of explaining both CRT and itself. But, we also need to put CRT and any response to it, including any alternative, in the context of something none of us can avoid - Human Behavior.

Specifically, verbal behavior. And, since the primary mode of verbal behavior is Explanation, we’ll look at all of this from the point of view of Explanation itself. And, since Explanation doesn’t happen in a vacuum, but is subject to the historical process like anything else, we’ll take a look at Explanation from the point of view of Cultural History and the relationship of both to our Social Institutions. In short, we'll look at all of this from the point of view of what I refer to as The Irreducibles.

That way we can do to CRT what everyone should do to all of their ideas, all of the time, always. We can slam Critical Race Theory to the wall, dig deep into its pockets and, if it yields nothing of value, cut its throat on the spot and without mercy.

Let’s face it, CRT has it coming. So, it’s the least we can do.

And another thing before bringing these opening remarks to a close. Though the public outrage against CRT may be justified it's wrong to want to ban it from our teaching-learning institutions.

Both CRT and any alternative theory should be taught. But even more importantly, they should also be debated. Why?

Because debate is a theoretical enterprise! That's why.

To demand that CRT should be banned from schools is to miss a golden opportunity to improve the quality of teaching and learning by rehabilitating the life of the mind and the world of ideas. And the best way to do that is to prepare the mind. And the best way to prepare the mind of the student is to teach them the intellectual fundamentals of rigorous thinking, consistent reasoning and cautious judgment, all of which are brought to life in a debate where one can demonstrate their theoretical and social skills. Of course, for this to happen, faculty would have to be retrained. But what else have they got better to do with their time? Besdies, as everyone now knows, they sorely need it!

To anticipate what I'll go into later, the obvious solution is to replace all Critical Theory with Systems Theory* and to replace the lie of systemic racism in our institutions with the truth of systemic abuse in our families, the matrix of society, particularly the systemic abuse of The Family Scapegoat. But that will have to wait for another entry. For now, however, and to continue with this entry on Critical Race Theory, we'll need a bit of background.

So, to that in Part II, we shall turn.

Until then!

*The word System in this context should not be taken as a metaphor for a computer or a machine but for something like an ecological system, in which an always inadequately conceptualized set of forces is interrelated in such a way that a substantial change in one may or may not affect the operation of the system as a whole. For example, in a belief system as a set of purely verbal instructions, system does not mean that its propositions are always coherent or correct, either logically or analogically.

Though I have some problems with the Wikipedia entry on Systems Theory because, well, it's Wikipedia, it's nevertheless good enough for our purposes. The problems I have with the entry start in the opening paragraph, especially the second sentence where they hypostatize key terms.


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