Note: This Q & A is my response to Peckham's summary of his luminous Explanation and Power: The Control of Human Behavior. Since questions are the foundation of PRC a Q & A seemed to me to be the most appropriate way of representing that response. The source of this Q & A are questions that I have asked myself about Peckham's work in general and Explanation and Power in particular over the years, as well as questions that partners, students, friends, etc. have asked me, and questions that I put to Peckham during a series of phone conversations that I had with him between March 1990 and June 1993. During our last talk I asked if I could visit him and he graciously said Yes. It was obvious at that point that he was a man of failing powers and I very much wanted to sit and talk with him and was preparing to do just that. His death intervened. One of my proudest accomplishments in life is that I made Peckham laugh every time I spoke with him. And that seems appropriate, given the subject matter of his work, which is deadly serious. If you can't face the seriousness of life without at least a little humor then you're finished. That might be a good thing to keep in mind for what follows.
Explanation and Power: Q & A Part I
Updated: May 16, 2024