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Explanation and Power: Q & A Part X

Updated: Nov 27, 2024

Q: We were talking a bit about what you referred to as Redemptionism or Revolutionary Utopianism, which you said is an attempt to escape from the brain's randomness which is the very source of human adaptability. Is that an accurate summary?

A: Yeah, that about sums it up.

Q: We then discussed the Individual who you described as a randomly assembled package of interests, adding that when that randomly assembled package of interests is introduced into an institution, the smooth working of the institution becomes impossible. So far, so good? Anything you’d like to add?

A: So far, so good. What I would add to that is what was also discussed in Part IX. And that is, directions given from above and feedback from below necessarily threaten to destabilize the position of the individual of the institution, their “politics”, as it were. And what that means is that both instructions and feedback are distorted, one on the way down, the other on the way up.

Q: Ah, right. And that leads to a situation of resentment and contempt, no?

A: That’s right. The view from below regards the higher levels as a hindrance to the lower level’s aggression, while the higher levels view the lower levels as fundamentally incompetent.

Q: And the result is?

A: Well, one result, by far the most important, is that this increases the randomness within an institution, and paradoxically, can either destroy it or make it more viable, more adaptable.

Q: Why is it by far the most important?

A: Because it's the result with the greatest impact on adaptation, which is what it's all about.

Q: Before continuing could you go into that a bit more, about adaptation?

A: The question to ask is Why does anyone do what they do?

Q: And the answer is?

A: Because it's how they adapt themselves to the world, or visa versa. But, from the above question comes an even more important one, Is our method of adaptation itself adaptive?

Q: Good question. With the exception of yourself I'm not aware of anyone asking that question. Why do you think that is?

A: Because they're afraid of the answer, of course. Or, actually, and probably more accurately, they've never thought about it.

Q: To get back to our summary, I asked if there wasn’t a further, more profound consequence following all of the above and your answer - cultural transcendence. So, could we take it from there?

A: Alright. Well, to quote Peckham, this fundamentally unsatisfactory condition of the irresolvable conflict between individual and institution yields on the part of a few individuals the behavioral phenomenon known as cultural transcendence.

Q: And this has to do with Romanticism, no?

A: That’s right. The importance of the Romanticism of the early 19th century is that a few innovative Romantics discovered and established within Western culture (The Land of Whiteness) the basic behavior pattern of cultural transcendence.

Q: Could you talk a bit about what this involves?

A: Sure. Cultural transcendence arises from the judgment of Explanatory Collapse or the failure of ideologies. And that judgment of Explanatory Collapse is itself the result of Trauma.

Explanatory Collapse is followed by Alienation from the culture and its social institutions.

It's important to make a distinction between the pseudo-alienation that started to become popular in the 60's and has continued to this day, and the genuine alienation of cultural transcedence.

Q: What's the difference?

A: The pseudo-alienation of the Left is not alienation at all, but polarization. The polarized individual has properly grasped their culture as incoherent, but their response is not self-ironic. So their attempt to become coherent, or to innovate an alternative, is to simply glom on to a set of values that are already in the culture.

Q: Is this why you're not of the Right or Left?

A: Yes, of course. The Right and Left are respectively like an older sibling who used to rule the roost but, as a result of having become stuck in the mud, is now completely dominated by their crazy, spoiled and overbearing younger sibling who doesn't really know who or what he or she is, but knows that they hate their older sibling. It's as if the two are stuck in their own trance by an unconscious agreement so as to avoid facing the fact that they are two sides of the same coin and that it's the coin that has to go.

Q: And what is the coin?

A: That both have emerged from the same ideological family. The family of origin being the 18th century Enlightenment. What this means is that both the Right and Left emerged from the same Enlightenment metaphysic which is that of perfect adaption.

The culturally transcending Individual knows full well that perfect adaptation is an impossibility, and for this reason is dangerous to whatever chances of survival we might have, and perhaps those chances aren't too great. It very well may be.

The truly alienated Individual sees themselves as part of their culture. They see that not only the Right and Left, but more profoundly and more importantly, both Personality and Culture, as two different names for two different perspectives on the same data - human behavior - and the Self that lies behind the social roles we all must play as a price of admission into society. And now we're back to where we left off - the subject of Alienation.

To this Individual cultural transcendence is the only solution to alienation. The polarized individual, on the other hand, has no self to realize. For the genuinely alienated Individual a self-ironic perspective has already created a mode of a Self. Such a self is one for whom none of the roles in the culture are adequate, since each reflects the culture's incoherence.

The polarized individual, however, readily accepts a well-established, socially structured role, such as that of the "rebel" or "outcast." The alientated Individual plays their roles self-consciously and ironically, since to exist they must play a role.

The polarized individual, on the other hand, identifies the self with the role. That's why, for all of one's initial sympathies with them, the Lefty-type of "rebel" is so wearisome, repellent, and obnoxious, because they're so fake, clueless, and irresponsible.

In any event, that Alienation is then followed by Cultural Rejection and Social Withdrawal, reducing one’s social interaction to the minimum. Alienation, Cultural Rejection and Social Withdrawal permit the Behavioral Randomization, which allows the culturally transcending Individual to select a promising Emergent Innovation. After that, Small Group Behavior follows. Meaning, the Individual collects or becomes a part of a small group of supporters, and begins propagandizing the cultural emergent or innovation or creativity.

Q: So, just to put it in a neat bundle and to make sure I understand what you're saying about cultural transcendence, we have the following:


Explanatory Collapse


Cultural Rejection

Social Withdrawal

Behavioral Randomization

Emergent Innovation

Small Group Behavior

Is that right? Am I missing anything?

A: No. You're not missing anything. That about sums it up.

Q: Would it be safe to say that this is what you've done, that you have engaged in a self-conscious act of cultural transcendence?

A: That is what I've done and continue to do. Yes.

It's important to add, however, that it wasn't self-conscious at first. But eventually it has to be. You've got to have a clue. You've got to know what you're doing and why you're doing it or you'll proceed blindly. You can only grope in the dark for so long before you start working against yourself. Meaning your actions won't lead to anything fruitful and satisfactory. Of course, even a self-conscious act of cultural transcendence can be dangerous, even deadly. But it'll definitely be that if you don't have a clue.

Q: How can the alienated Individual accomplish or achieve a cultural transcendence?

A: By creating a new role.

Q: Isn’t this kind of what you’ve done with PRC?

A: It’s exactly what I’ve done with PRC. And to be able to do this (Small Group Behavior) with PRC I had to go through the other parts of cultural transcendence we've discusssed by myself.

Q: So both you and PRC are in the Romantic Tradition?

A: Very much so.

Q: And the new role you created was a new kind of consultant?

A: That's right.

Q: In what way is your role as a consultant new or innovative?

A: Because my consultancy is based on cultural transcedence.

Name one consultant out there who even knows that phrase, let alone what it entails and why it's worth the trouble it takes to do it, and why it's so valuable for all involved, not just the individual. And not just the role of the consultant either, but all of the social roles I play. From the role of man, the role of husband*, the social role of the Individual, and even the role of the citizen.

*By the way, I'm not my wife's partner, I'm her husband, which is yet another word Identity Politics wants to abolish, exactly because they're so polarized and therefore either too ignorant or too lazy, or too cowardly, to take the risk to engage in a self-conscious act of cultural transcendence, like I have.

Q: What else would you add about cultural transcendence?

A: Emergent Innovation or Cultural Transcendence is a deconversion from what Peckham refered to as a hypostatized redemptionism, and that deconversion leads to a conversion into a permanent de-conversion. In short, cultural transcendence is a conversion into a permanent de-conversion.

Q: What is hypostatized redemptionism?

A: Any final answer, like the kind you get from your average Revolutionary Utopian or Idealistic Reformer.

Q: Could you give an example?

A: Marxism, The Frankfurt School, Identity Politics, CRT.

Q: What's wrong with them?

A: The short version?

Q: The short version.

A: Intellectually they don't make sense and socially they don't work?

Q: Why not?

A: Because, intellectually, every one of those explanatory systems are dependent on metaphysical pseudo-entities like racism, sexism, anti-semitism, homophobia, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and now, as if out of nowhere, transphobia.

Q: So?

A: So the all important question, What is there in the world that these words direct us to locate and inform us about? is never asked or answered, ever (except of course here).

Q: And socially?

A: And socially it follows that since the very question that keeps us and our explanations of the world grounded in reality, which is our one truly common bond, is never asked, we have no way of correcting our mistakes, because, as long as we believe in those explanations and irresponsibly call them the truth, we can never admit that we're even making mistakes. And that is why all utopias need a Scapegoat. They can't function without one.

By the way, to the above list you can add the three Abrahamic religions and The CCP. Now you can see what I'm really after and why cultural transcendence has such long-term value for all of us.

Q: So your position is that the best solution to the problems created by human behavior, specifically to the human addiction to abstract absolutes, is cultural transcendence?

A: Yes. But it must always be remembered that no institution works well, or perfectly, whether authoritarian or democratic.

Q: Why not?

A: Because there's always a conflict, an incoherence, between the task or mission of the larger institution and the stability of the individual.

Q: Why is that? What accounts for that conflict or incoherence?

A: Because, as we said before, any innovation is going to be seen as a threat to the individual. Just as, correspondingly, any challenge to authority is seen as a threat to that authority.

Q: What kind of threat to the Individual?

A: The threat to the individual is the dissolution of their persona.

And it takes the richest possible development of the Individual at the highest cultural level, the level that I operate out of, to make such dissolution both tolerable and profitable.

Q: Ah. And that’s what makes you so amazing?

A: If by “amazing” you mean superhuman, yes.

Q: But for us mere mortals it is still possible to reach your level of superhuman achievement and success, no?

A: Hmmm. Probably not.

Then again, maybe they can shake the thick mud of conformity and complacency off of their boots long enough to stop scapegoating and begin climbing the mountain so as to get a better glimpse of me on the top picking my backside* as I search my mind for a solution to life’s many problems. Yeah, I guess so.

*A particularly attractive and not at all uncommon instance of limiting the range of behavior.

Q: Nice image Paul. But, seriously, it is possible, isn’t it?

A: It is possible to the degree the Individual regards himself as a social dyad, ie; he knows himself just as he understands another, by observing his own behavior.

Q: Why do you say “himself”?

A: Ah, that whole pronoun thing. Whatever. Anyway, name one person involved with Identity Politics, anywhere in the world, that's genuinely interested in being a real human being, let alone an individual. In fact, with the exception of my wife and I and a handful of others scattered here and there throughout the West, and not just the West, there aren’t any real human beings.

Q: So then what are they?

A: They’re players of social roles. Puppets.

The women in my family, for example, which included two older brothers, are obvious and depressing examples. But especially Identity Politics. That’s why the rise of Identity Politics and the collapse of civilization go hand in glove. And what solution to our collapsed civilization does Identity Politics have to offer?

Q: But wouldn’t what you describe include most men?

A: Yes, of course. Like I said, my wife and I and a few others are the only real living human beings on earth right now.

Q: Don’t you think talking like that makes you sound crazy?

A: No. It makes me sound humble. What is truly crazy and arrogant is confusing a social role for a real human being so as to avoid the painful work it takes to be one.

Q: To be a social role?

A: No. To be a human being.

Q: Of course, I know that you're just joking and that you're being ironic so as to turn the tables on Identity Politics and Cancel Culture because they talk about your demographic in those same absurd absolute terms. But, well, how would you respond to someone who might ask, How is it "humble", how is it not arrogant to call yourself a human being and not others?

A: The irony, humility, and humor, in what I'm saying is found in the fact that, though I had been trying throughout my entire life (without quite being able to say why or understand exactly what I was doing), I myself did not become a real human being until well into my 50's and I'm only 60 now. Very few human beings become real human beings because very few ever transcend role-playing long enough to recognize and develop a relationship with the self that lies behind the roles that, admittedly, all of us must play as a price of admission into society.

Q: Haha! Ok. I'm kind of getting you now. Well, sort of.

But only because I know you. So then I have to ask, what were you before you became a real human being?

A: A buried child, a family scapegoat, and then just a social scapegoat. Though I certainly tried, I couldn't be much else.

Q: Why?

A: Because, try as you might, you can't be just a family scapegoat. The role of scapegoat will extend to all of one's social roles, just as sure as night follows day. That will happen, and did.

What I had no way of knowing and no way to control, let alone stop, was that the very demographic I belong to would also become a designated scapegoat, and not just of the family, but of the entire world. That's a first, by the way. But I will say, that being a family scapegoat taught me how to respond to that, especially when I got into recovery for Family Scapegoat Abuse.

Q: And what are you now?

A: A Scapegoat Survivor, and a culturally transcending alienated individual and ironic player of an assorted package of roles.

In short, for the first time in my life, I'm a real human being.

Q: As long as we're going down that road, could you explain how the real human being emerges from the social role?

A: For every social role we play there are patterns within those roles, of course, because all behavior is and must be patterned.

But there's something else that subsumes the roles and patterns and that is the packages of roles we play. Just as roles subsume patterns, packages subsume roles and patterns.

Q: Ok. So what does that mean in terms of adaptation?

A: In terms of human freedom, without which adaptation is impossible, it means that the freest area of choice for the Individual is when the packages of roles they play is ever looser and less stabilized than the patterns that make up those roles.

Q: And what does that mean?

A: It means that at this level of analysis the Individual emerges.

Q: The unique Individual, as opposed to the "individual"?

A: That's right.

Q: Do you see your life, your individuality as a work of art?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you think the goal should be self-completion?

A: No. Not for me anyway.

Q: Why not?

A: For me, self-completion = self-betrayal. And what good would I be to my wife or to anyone if I betrayed myself?

Q: What is your goal in life?

A: My goal is what it's been so far, though I obviously couldn't quite describe it in the past the way I can now.

Q: How would you describe your life, or yourself?

A: Well, definitely not as a complete work of art. That's for sure.

Q: Then as what?

A: I would describe it as an endless and unresolved self-display.

Q: What you see is what you get?

A: Yeah, something like that. Though, if one is interested and paying attention, not to judge, but to learn, then every time they see that life, as I'm living it, it's somehow somewhat different.

Q: We're all rag bags of behavioral bits, that sort of thing?

A: Yes. Which explains the justification for turning one's life into a work of art, or endless and unresolved self-display.

Q: So the idea is to be the director of your own performance?

A: Yes. But not a fraudulent performance.

Q: What's the difference between a genuine performance and a fraudulent performance?

A: Self-betrayal.

Q: So, ultimately then, there is nothing but the individual organism, behaving?

A: Yes. And by that device we call semiosis, turning their behavior into performance. The behavioral individual is the precipitate of semiosis and culture and redundancies and institutions and ultimate sanctions; the Individual is the irreducible surd of existence, the fundamental incoherence of human life, for the Individual cannot but strive with all their might, with all their aggressiveness, for stability; and yet at the same time the Individual is the only source of that randomization from which issue emergent innovations - which if they cannot eliminate can at least modify, not infrequently for the better (as with PRC) our fictive and normative absurdities of Explanation.

Q: Nice. Any parting words, oh Wise one?

A: Yeah, sure. Explanation is the ineluctable condition, the defining attribute of human behavior, and that proposition is the termination of the explanation of this theory of human behavior.

Q: Again, very nice. But aren't those Peckham's words?

A: Of course they are. He's the Wise one. What do you think we've been doing here? This Q & A was just a summary of his summary of his work on Explanation and Power.

Q: And the control of human behavior?

A: That's right.

Q: So then we're done?

A: We're done. We've finished yet another entry.

Q: But, well, actually, you've got another one coming soon, no?

A: Yes, I do.

Q: And what's that one on?

A: Romanticism.

Q: Romanticism? WTF?

A: Actually, that's the title. It's the last entry of our WTF? series.

Q: Haha! Great! So, until then?

A: Until then!



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