Culture is Directions for Performance and a Social Institution is a Performance in Response to Directions.
However, it could also be said that a direction is a performance and a performance is a direction. But, there is one mode of directions which destroys the symmetry of this relation. This mode consists of directions for issuing directions.
To give this mode a single term we'll call it Meta-Directions.
A dictionary is an obvious example. In the simplest way definitions tell us what a word means. But it also tells us how to use that word. In other words, it is a direction for a direction.
The making and using of Dictionaries belongs to High Culture.
Dictionaries emerge when a culture has become so complex and so self-conscious that it is fully aware of the threat of behavioral dissolution, that is, of communication failure or breakdown.
Metaphysics - Logic - Meta-Directions
Another example of meta-directions is Logic. Specifically, in the emergence of logic on the cultural scene of ancient Greece. Logic followed the dissemination of the metaphysical writings of the pre-Socratic philosophers. A metaphysic is an explanation of the world, but of such a nature that it both determines and limits meta-directions and directions. Further, metaphysics are covertly or overtly value-laden. Belief-Systems (or Metaphysics) are used to establish value priorities and hierarchies. This explains why the general twist of a Metaphysic (or Belief-System) is:
This is the way things are: and this is why they ought to be as they are (ie; this is why they should control your behavior, or why you should allow your behavior to be controlled by them).
A Metaphysic (Belief-System) is an Explanation, a Justification, and a Validation for our thoughts and actions.
Note: All of this is extremely useful for anyone interested in developing the quality of self-awareness. Simply because it is very difficult, if not impossible, to develop that quality without asking yourself what it is you believe in. In other words, what belief-system do you live by? And the best way to do this is to understand what a belief-system is and how it works, or to be more precise, how we work it. And to do that it helps to know the difference between Belief and Beliefs (ie; belief-systems).
Logic developed in ancient Greece* in response to the multiplication of metaphysical explanations (introduced by the pre-Socratics) that challenged Greek religious explanations.
*The Land of Whiteness. Seriously though, in terms of this discussion, in their response to a culture crisis - communication breakdown - the ancient Greeks developed Logic itself. Not bad. Something no other culture before them ever thought of doing. And to the extent it occured to them after the fact they were dependent on the Greeks. Yet another reason why they want to destroy Western Civilization and why their reasons and actions in that regard are so illogical, irrational, hateful and stupid. Nothing about Cancel Culture, Identity Politics or Critical Race Theory could ever be confused with Reason.
It was the first time in human history that Philosophy challenged Religion. It wouldn’t be the last. But it wasn’t until Nietzsche that philosophers realized that if Philosophy was to successfully challenge any other explanatory system used by a power-center to control our behavior then philosophers would have to explain Explanation itself. And, of course, that wasn’t fully articulated until the publication of Morse Peckham’s luminous
But, of course, Peckham wasn’t a philosopher. That he was able to do what no philosopher ever thought of doing is a fact that, though very interesting, very telling, and extremely important, will have to wait till a future entry for a fuller explanation.
However, until then, and before continuing here, we can say this: the reason no one working in the social role of philosopher has explained Explanation is because if they did they would transcend philosophy itself and no longer be philosophers.
The explanation for this is found in the fact that philosophers have never been interested in explaining what they actually do, which is telling us all how we ought to interpret explanations.
Note: In fact, and while we’re on the subject, from this perspective, both Romanticism and American Pragmatism, itself in the Romantic tradition, in short, the traditions within which Peckham was working, can be seen as an overall attempt to challenge the Political explanatory systems of the Right and Left that together replaced Religious explanations in the West. Both the Right and Left as we now understand them having emerged during the Renaissance centuries and culminating in the 18th century Enlightenment. This explains, by the way, why the United States still operates almost entirely out of Enlightenment values, whether of the Right or Left. In any event, this is why American universities deliberately abandoned the study of its own philosophy, American Pragmatism and replaced it with Critical Theory. The reason for this, obviously, is that those who did the replacing were not and are not Americans. They’re in the United States, but they're not of the United States.