In section LIX of Part Eleven we gave a brief presentation of the necessary conditions for successful alienation:
* Social Protection
* Psychic Insulation
* Problem Exposure and Solution Postponement
* The Preference for and Capacity to Tolerate the Cognitive
Tension, Psychological Disorientation and Emotional
Disturbance associated with High Level Problem-Solving
* A Sensitivity to Cultural Incoherence
* A Capacity for Self-Validation that the Ignorant and
Unsympathetic confuse with Arrogance
* The Ability to Live without the Need for Constant Approval
Adding, that all of these are dangerous to the individual cannot be doubted for a moment, simply because every one of them is capable by itself of producing behavioral dissolution.
But, again, the history of Romanticism in the 19th century shows the dangers, and in the 20th century shows that the dangers can be resisted, and in the 21st century with PRC, that the dangers can be transcended. The reason is simple. So what’s the reason?
For the 20th century artist, alienation had become, through the struggles of 19th century Romanticism, institutionalized for a small but accessible part of the population of the West. It had become economically viable, partly of course because of the very old tradition of the artist as genius, and of the arts (and sciences), as a model of behavioral limitation and self-policing.
Given how valuable all of this knowledge is for the essential activity of high level problem-solving and significant innovation (essential for our survival), and given the access we had to this knowledge pre-Internet and the instant access we have to it now with the Internet, one is justified in raising serious doubts about the intellectual, social and moral qualities of those in charge of our teaching-learning institutions who either deliberately ignore this knowledge, or are completely ignorant of it. It would certainly explain why educators are now indoctrinators and why our teaching-learning institutions throughout the entire Western world are guilty of a civilizational-wide educational malpractice, exactly because they have abanonded the values of High Culture.
It would also explain why the United States is better referred to now as Dunning-Kruger Nation, and not just the United States.
For this reason we're better off ignoring our teaching-learning institutions as they now exist, especially the universities and their many cultural deposits now infesting, infecting and destroying our social institutions - all of them - particularly our economic and governing institutions. But more on that some other time.
Be that as it may, the good news is that the Arts & Sciences can offer an admirable training ground for not only learning the conditions of alienation, but for learning how to tolerate them.
We've already discussed the Sciences in relation to this kind of training in alienation in Part Ten. So for the rest of Part Twelve our focus will be on the Arts. This potential for learning the conditions of alienation in relation to the Arts can be put to use in teaching the artistic experience only if the aesthetics of order and the hierarchy of values are abandoned.
Why is this necessary?
Because when it comes to teaching the Arts both the aesthetics of order and the hierarchy of values are examples of policing (and remember, our task is to penetrate the armor of policing).
This sort of policing tends to drain away from the artistic experience the conditions of alienation. Nevertheless, those conditions are available. And what are those conditions?
First, art is a set of directions, and the experience or response to art is a performance. But the responder doesn’t have to do anything more than simply respond to the work of art. In short, the artistic situation is about contemplation and meditation.
So what is the artistic responder contemplating?
The work of art as a set of directions. Of course.
This is not to deny that art isn’t used to exemplify a belief-system, or even to exemplify a specific morality (often, and pretentiously, referred to as artistic truth). There’s no doubt that art is an extremely important tool of social management or policing. All art is, in fact, propaganda and rhetoric.
However, the artistic situation can combine with an explanatory analysis of the work in question to objectify the directions being exemplified, or, as is often the case, being presented baldly or overtly, as in the case with politically correct indoctrination.
In other words, the teacher needs to be governed, not by either Oh the greatness of Michelangelo’s soul!, or, Look how this white supremacist is oppressing you, but rather by Look at what this mother fucker is doing to you! Why would we do this?
Because doing this would allow the study of art to be used to abstract the patterns of direction-giving social management.
That way the study of art could be used to help us better understand The Directions-Performance Complex itself!
Meaning, this approach to the study of art could then be applied to The Directions-Performance Complex in any and every social institution, and in any and every aspect of human behavior, to all teaching-learning institutions from the family to the Phd., from all value institutions from the family to one’s religion or football team or Rock band, to our economic institutions from the family to small and medium sized businesses to the corporation, from our government institutions from the family to the nation-state, and from our idea institutions from the family to the Arts & Sciences, which brings us back to the very subject of this entry.
That way you could figure out not only what the Pope wanted Michaelangelo to do and why, what Michaelangelo did and why, but also and even more importantly, how both the conservative traditionalists on the Right and the Wokester Psychos on the Left are responding to the work and why, and how both the Right and Left want you to respond to the work and why, or else, as is the case with the Left.* Above all, you can examine the how, what and why of your responses and the interests behind them. And by interest is meant, not motive or intention, but mode of adaptation.
*As always was and will be the case with the Left. In fact, since the Right is so bad at preserving what it values, portraying them as a legitimate threat is proof on its own that the Left is insane.
A better way of acquiring the values and skills of cultural, situational and self-awareness would be hard to imagine.
Again, this is how paradigms are broken. By the way, that the Sistine ceiling is a prime instance of such directions-giving social management cannot be doubted for a moment. Do you really think Michaelangelo didn’t know what he was doing?
And do you really think the hostile elite doesn’t know what it’s doing in its attempt to abolish freedom by renaming the flu? Shame on everyone who has fallen for it hook, line and sinker.
This marvelous irresponsibility of the artistic experience - an irresponsibility so necessary for the correction of the behavioral condition - is made possible by the fact that the artistic experience itself takes place in a situation of social protection
and psychic insulation. And the higher the cultural level of the work and of the artistic experience the truer this is.
In fact, the cultural level of a work of art can be readily determined by the degree of protection and insulation in which it is ordinarily presented. The prime function, however, of these factors in artistic experience is that art is characterized by perceptual discontinuity, or by the violation of the norms of expectancy. Or, in the simplest terms, by variation and surprise.
Note: The book to read is Peckahm’s Man’s Rage for Chaos: Biology, Behavior and the Arts.