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PRC Update

Updated: May 1

Hello Everyone!

A Quick Update and a Hello to New Readers!

PRC has been around in one form or another since 2001. Over time I converted what started out as English classes into a one-man educational consultancy with a global reach. And though I retired in 2021, I was happy to receive a lot of positive encouragement to keep this page going.

So here we are!

I've added a new section to this page simply called Latest.

The Writings section is more a collection of essays, long and short, and even longer entires, like CRT? WTF? that are more like ebooks. Latest, however, functions more like a journal or blog, with much shorter pieces.

I thought it would be good to have at least some record of what turned out to be an intensely interesting and extremely exciting experiment, one that attempted to move the participants, including myself, beyond technology and into a larger freedom, and to do so by simply asking and answering questions that seemed to all involved to be timely, relevant, and useful.

As with any experiment there were successes and failures, and ups and downs. But that is as it should be. After all, one of the assumptions of PRC is that life is dynamic, not static, and we are imperfect, not perfect.

So the only reasonable response to this obvious state of affairs is to make continuous learning, change, and growth the foundation of one's attempt to shape a meaningful life, while embracing the fucked-upness.

And that was the whole idea from the beginning behind this consultancy, and not just this consultancy. But don’t take my word for it.

The record of this 20 years long experiment can be found in the contents of this website, namely both Latest and Writings. So feel free to check it out and decide for yourself whether or not the ideas found there are relevant and useful for you. Ultimately, in a world as complex and unpredictable as ours is, relevance and usefulness are all that one can hope for.

As I’ve said many times to my partners and students over the years, I don’t expect to be believed, and I’m certainly not interested in being “right.”

When it comes to the question, What would you rather be, right, or happy? I would rather be happy. And since happiness can not be a direct aim, since happiness can only be a by-product, namely, in this case, a by-product of cultural vitality, the best way to achieve that happiness is by testing and using our ideas in the real world where all of us find our home. The irony here is that the more one focuses on happiness as a by-product of cultural vitality, as opposed to the insecure need to believe one is always right, the more reliable one's ideas tend to be, and the more the pride that one might take in that reliability is tempered by a sober gratitude and healthy humility.

Join us in the next entry where we'll take a look into the basic aim of PRC as An Experiment In Explanation. Until then, and as always, all the best!

Paul Rothwell

Patagonia, Argentina

September 30th 2023


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