So what is the Woke Delusion?
The Woke Delusion is the Delusion of Perfect Adequacy. And exactly what is The Woke Delusion of Perfect Adequacy? Good question. But we’re not ready to turn to that just yet. What we can say now is that the whole Woke thing, Identity Politics, CRT, etc. is properly subsumed under Critical Theory, and Critical Theory has always been a closed system.
As with any closed system, surface differences notwithstanding, what they all have in common is an unwillingness to ever question their own assumptions, and an often violent resistance to exposure, which, of course, is the kind of behavior commonly associated with extreme psychotics or schizoid types. And the justification for this behavior, in their minds, is that since they are always right and good, anyone who doesn't agree must be wrong and bad and so deserving of violence against them, even death.
This, in a nutshell, is fanaticism.
That’s why such people are always calling for the violent overthrow of this and that, in other words, of anything that stands in the way of their lust for power, a lust that always hides itself behind words like Equality and Justice, that is, behind self-righteousness. As mentioned in that entry, this is the source of scapegoating, from the family, to society, and beyond. And Identity Politics is entirely scapegoat-dependent. Hence its delusion.
As mentioned in the previous entry on CRT, it is depressingly easy to show that the language of any Salvation System, or Utopia, like Identity Politics, is unquestioned, unexamined, and unanalyzed, to an extraordinary degree, and it is our job and responsibility to do just that, to examine our explanations so that we may live better in reality. Indeed, sooner or later, we have to question our own assumptions to be able to live in reality at all.
But what is even more depressing is that, even though the assumptions of Identity Politics, et al. remain largely unexamined, people nevertheless still insist on using those assumptions - called truths - to control not just their behavior, or the behavior of others, but of everyone, and I mean everyone.
As with CRT, since Identity Politics never questions itself, it is incapable of identifying, let alone correcting, its incoherencies, fallacies, and absurdities.
For example, Identity Politics states as truth that whites are oppressors and people of color, and other marginalized groups, are the oppressed.
And this in the teeth of the fact that Identity Politics today is the single most dominant ideology, not just in the West, but in the history of the world, having as it does, complete institutional power and cultural control over vast human and natural resources, begging the question:
How can anything dominant be oppressed?
Correspondingly, whites as whites, have absolutely no institutional power or cultural control anywhere in the world today, at all, begging yet another painfully obvious question, Whoever heard of a powerless oppressor?
Put bluntly, Identity Politics is based on a bold inversion of reality, in other words, and to put it as baldly as possible, Identity Politics is based on a lie.
This is why - fearing exposure - the hostile elite, who use Identity Politics as an instrument of power, has to impose its systemic dishonesty by force.
If the elite didn't do this Identity Politics, like CRT, would be reduced to rubble faster than you can say whiteness, and so too would the elite. So, instead of talking about the lie of systemic racism we should be telling the truth about systemic dishonesty and its # 1 consequence - Systemic Collapse! While we're at it, instead of talking about White Privilege, let's talk about Woke Envy and Resentment. Now that would be interesting!
The elite is now between the sword and the wall, and everyone knows it.
That Identity Politics, et al. has no intellectual legitimacy completely and permanently undermines the elite's moral authority, just as it will completely and permanently undermine their now considerable political power, and sooner than later. Even they know this. Hence their hysteria.
If history has taught us anything it's that there comes a time when people start saying No! to something to which previously anything other than Yes would have been unimaginable. This day is fast approaching. In fact, we're already there and have been for some time. And exactly what would people be saying No! to? The Woke Delusion of Perfect Adequacy.
And now we’re ready to offer an answer the question asked at the start, What is The Woke Delusion of Perfect Adequacy?
The Woke Delusion of Perfect Adequacy is a Moral Insanity and Human Maladaptation that threatens our chances of survival.
Who wouldn’t say No! to that? Well, those not interested in living at all, let alone living well. And what is the justification for saying that The Woke Delusion, Identity Politics, CRT, etc. constitutes a threat to the survival of not just those it is now attempting to control, but of everyone else too?
As mentioned in An Experiment In Explanation, the delusion upon which all Salvation Systems are based is the delusion of perfect adequacy.
The reason why such systems constitute a threat is that the belief in perfect adequacy justifies in the minds of the believers the elimination of feedback and correction, which is the two-fold source of human adaptability.
But of all of the Salvation Systems, or Utopias, the world has ever known, the whole Woke thing, or Identity Politics, is the most damaging of all.
First, because as stated, it has more institutional power and cultural control than any previous Salvation System, and secondly, it is in power at a time when life on earth is more complex and unpredictable than ever before in human history. Its "success” can only end in a Pyrrhic victory. Why?
To think yourself totally adequate to any situation is to disarm yourself of the need to be aware of the gap between behavioral patterns and situational demands. You would think that people who talk compulsively about "the environment" and Saving The Planet, would know this.
But they don't. And the reason they don't is because their talk about the environment itself comes from their delusion of perfect adequacy.
The Woke Delusion of Perfect Adequacy Is an Insanity and Maladaptation.
It's also anti-human. How so? By seeing itself as above reproach Identity Politics not only demands to be placed above criticism, it has the power to effectuate that insane demand, and it is insane, in as much as it denies the painfully obvious reality of human imperfection. In short, Identity Politics sees itself as more than human and those who oppose it as less than human.
So, there are no humans. Just a cartoon version of Gods and Devils. I'd say that qualifies as anti-human, not to mention inhuman and inhumane. The whole Woke phenomenon, or Identity Politics, or whatever one wants to call it, can be summarized in three simple words: Sick, Crazy, and Stupid. But, above all, Identity Politics, or Woke, is in a word - unsustainable!
From this perspective The Woke Revolution is the outward sign of it's own inward decay. Is this really the hill the human race wants to die on? Really?
If so, then the only conclusion one can come to is that the human mind is literally insane and that we are a biologically maladaptive species that is in no position to laugh at the dinosaurs for getting themselves extinct.
After all, they lasted a lot longer than we have so far.
Some certainly do indeed seem to be willing to die on this hill of human insanity. But for those who aren't, and there are more of them than one might think, the words that Shakespeare put into the mouth of his greatest character, Hamlet, come irresistibly to mind: The readiness is all!